Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 43 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                         for the world’s largest oilfield services company”.  $0.26 per share, on an adjusted basis. This rep-
                                                              resented an increase on $141mn in the same
                         Halliburton                          quarter of 2021, also coming in above analyst
                         Halliburton, for its part, reported a third-quarter  projections of $0.24 per share, based on Refin-
                         net profit of $544mn, or $0.60 per share. This was  itiv data.
                         an increase from $236mn, or $0.26 per share, in   The company’s revenue for the quarter of
                         the same quarter of 2021. Analysts had expected  $5.4bn represented a sequential increase of
                         the company’s earnings for the latest quarter to  6% over $5.0bn and a y/y increase of 5% com-
                         come in at $0.56 per share.          pared with $5.1bn in the third quarter of 2021.
                           Halliburton’s total revenue for the third quar-  While its North American revenue rose by 10%
                         ter of 2022 was $5.4bn, compared to total reve-  sequentially to $942mn and international reve-
                         nue of $5.1bn in the second quarter of 2022. Its  nue only grew by 4% sequentially, international
                         North American revenue rose 9% sequentially  revenue nonetheless drove the company’s gains,
                         to $2.6bn and its international revenue grew by  rising to $1.9bn.
                         3% sequentially to $2.7bn.            “The macro outlook has grown increasingly
                           “Looking forward, we see activity increasing  uncertain as the global economy is dealing with
                         around the world – from the smallest to the  strong inflationary pressures, a rising interest
                         largest countries and producers,” Halliburton’s  rate environment, and sizeable fluctuations in   Halliburton’s
                         CEO, Jeff Miller, stated. He added that demand  global currencies,” stated Baker Hughes’ CEO,
                         for oilfield services in North America was  Lorenzo Simonelli. He added, however, that he   equipment
                         stronger than he had ever seen at this point in  expected many of the main challenges to have   remains sold
                         the year.                            already passed, with a more positive outlook for
                           Indeed, Halliburton’s equipment remains  the future.                       out for the
                         sold out for the remainder of 2022, according to   Looking ahead, Baker Hughes anticipates
                         Miller, amid expectations that the market will  double-digit revenue growth in its international   remainder of
                         be tight next year.                  business next year, but only modest growth in
                           Halliburton’s performance has been nega-  its North American business, with this driven   2022, according
                         tively affected by its withdrawal from Russia.  largely by publicly owned operators.  to Miller.
                         The company sold its Russian business to a Rus-
                         sian unit made up of its former employees in the  What next?
                         country. For the nine months up to September  The results illustrate a lot of the trends that con-
                         30, the company said it had recorded $366mn in  tinue to play out across the oil and gas industry.
                         charges and impairments, largely owing to the  E&P companies continue to exercise restraint,
                         sale of its Russian assets and the impairment of  but a focus on efficiency means that oilfield
                         assets in Ukraine.                   activity is nonetheless on the up. There may yet
                                                              be further volatility but on the whole, the oilfield
                         Baker Hughes                         service giants appear to be optimistic about the
                         Baker Hughes’ third-quarter profit also exceeded  near term, and the latest set of results backs up
                         analyst expectations, coming in at $264mn, or  their expectations.™

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