Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       including all related and ancillary equipment   CAD18.2mn to complete upgrades and Level   Capturing and recycling natural gas into
       and inventory for total cash consideration   IV recertifications on the three acquired   energy has two main benefits: Saves grid
       of $7.4mn (approximately CAD9.6mn). The   drilling rigs to properly put them back into   power from burning fossil fuels by utilising
       acquisition further expands CWC’s presence   active service.             gas that would otherwise have been flared
       in the US increasing the company’s active   CWC ENERGY SERVICES, June 24, 2022  into the atmosphere – recycles approximately
       drilling fleet to 22 drilling rigs comprised of                          82mn cubic feet (82,000 mcf) of natural
       seven conventional heavy double drilling rigs                            gas per megawatt; reduces methane venting
       in Canada and eight AC triple, five DC triple   MOVES                    into the atmosphere from inefficient flares
       and two conventional heavy double drilling                               – by using NGON processes, White Rock’s
       rigs in the US.                     White Rock Management                operation prevents an estimated 4mn
         Duncan Au, president and chief executive                               cubic feet (5,000 mcf) per megawatt of
       officer of CWC, stated: “The acquisition of   launches first US bitcoin   environmentally harmful methane from being
       these three high-spec AC triple drilling rigs                            vented annually.
       will build upon CWC’s growing presence in   mining operation               “The Brazos Valley mine is the first of
       the US by expanding our 12 active drilling                               several grid independent facilities we are
       rigs in the US to fifteen active drilling rigs.   White Rock Management, a global digital   planning in Texas that will utilise by-product
       These high-spec AC triple drilling rigs will   asset mining company, today announced the   natural gas from active oil wells, turning
       build upon our platform for meaningful   deployment of its first US bitcoin mining   waste into a reliable, non-grid energy
       shareholder value creation and growth   operation in Texas’ Brazos Valley region.  source,” said Andy Long, CEO of White Rock
       opportunities by servicing our existing and   Located north of Houston, the company’s   Management. “The launch of our first US
       future E&P customers with the most relevant   initial operation will be powered through   mining operation strengthens our position as
       fleet of environmentally friendly, high-spec   by-product natural gas from active oil wells   an emerging player in the global digital asset
       drilling equipment for the longer depths and   located onsite. White Rock is partnering   mining industry.”
       horizontal reaches of select US basins utilising   with NGON, a green energy services and   Headquartered in Switzerland, White Rock
       the highest quality people in the industry,   technology company, to capture the gas   is focused on building and operating modern
       delivering the highest quality service to our   through environmentally friendly mitigation   facilities in reliable geographies around the
       customers.”                         services and divert the energy to produce   world. Its bitcoin mines feature the newest
         In conjunction with the purchase of   bitcoin.                         generation ASIC chips supplied by partner
       these three AC triple drilling rigs, the board   By utilising NGON’s facilities, White Rock’s  and industry leader Bitmain, which will
       of directors have approved an expansion   new operation in Texas cements the firm’s   increase productivity and profitability for the
       of the 2022 capital expenditures budget   commitment to environmentally responsible   company.
       by an additional CAD8.3mn to a total of   bitcoin mining.                WHITE ROCK MANAGEMENT, June 28, 2022

       Week 26   30•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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