Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
P. 11

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       LLOG announces first output from Spruance

        GULF OF MEXICO   PRIVATELY owned LLOG Exploration this  Beacon Asset Holdings (11.61%), Houston Energy
                         week announced that production has begun  (11.2%), Red Willow (11.15%) and CL&F (6%).
                         from its operated Spruance field, located in   The partners discovered the field in mid-
                         Blocks 877 and 921 of Ewing Bank in the deep-  2019 via the EW 877 #1 subsalt exploratory
                         water Gulf of Mexico (GoM).          well, which was drilled to a total depth of 17,000
                           The Louisiana-based company said that  feet (5,182 metres), hitting around 150 feet (46
                         Spruance is producing through two wells, at a  metres) of net pay in the Miocene.
                         combined rate of around 16,000 barrels per day   This was expanded to more than 200 feet (61
                         (bpd) of oil and 13mn cubic feet (368,000 cubic  metres) after the drilling of the EW 921 #1 well,
                         metres) per day of gas.              which also delineated the main field pays.
                           Output is transported via a 14-mile (22.5-  Commenting on the start of production,
                         km) subsea pipeline to EnVen’s Lobster platform  LLOG president and CEO Philip LeJeune, noted
                         in the EW 873 concession, where it is handled  that Spruance “leverages existing infrastructure
                         following the signing of a production-han-  and LLOG’s operational capabilities to bring on
                         dling agreement (PHA) in July 2020. Lobster is  meaningful production safely”.
                         located around 130 miles (209 km) south of New   He added: “By remaining active through-
                         Orleans at a water depth of 775 feet (236 metres).  out commodity price cycles and continuing to
                           “First production was achieved less than three  deliver world-class results, we are seeing sig-
                         years after the initial exploratory discovery well  nificant production growth in a higher pricing
                         was drilled,” it said.               environment. We are executing our strategy of
                           LLOG holds an operated working inter-  developing deepwater GoM projects in areas that
                         est of 22.64% in Spruance and is partnered by  have been prolific in the past and that we under-
                         Ridgewood Energy (23.89%), EnVen (13.5%),  stand very well.”™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

       POLICY                              and gas sector, industry is well positioned to   UPSTREAM
                                           act decisively on closure liability in Alberta
       Alberta Energy Regulator            while providing a performance model that can   Imperial committed to long-
                                           be held up as an inspirational example,” added
       increases industry-wide             Mr. Pushor.                          term shareholder value
                                             Industry-wide spend targets support
       closure spend target for            attending to inactive pipeline, facility, and   Imperial Oil announced today that it has
                                           well inventory reduction and are a part of the
                                                                                received final acceptance from the Toronto
       liabilities by CAD278mn to          overall Liability Management Framework   Stock Exchange (TSX) for a normal course
                                           set by the Government of Alberta, which the
                                                                                issuer bid (NCIB) to repurchase up to 5%
       $700mn                              AER uses to guide its work. Closure spend   of its 636,676,182 outstanding common
                                                                                shares as of June 15, 2022, or a maximum of
                                           targets increase the amount of closure work
       The Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) has   that is occurring in the province as licensees   31,833,809 shares during the next 12 months.
       increased the industry-wide closure spend   are required to spend a minimum amount on   This maximum will be reduced by the number
       target for liabilities in 2023 from CAD422mn   closure annually.         of shares purchased from Exxon Mobil,
       to CAD700mn and released forecasted   “As Alberta’s economic recovery continues,   Imperial’s majority shareholder, as described
       targets through 2027, which are anticipated to   we are building on our promise to take   below.
       increase annually by 9%.            bold and strong action under the Liability   The new one year programme will begin
         “These increases ensure closure activity is   Management Framework,” said Sonya Savage,   on June 29, 2022, and will end should the
       prioritised by companies developing energy   Minister of Energy, Government of Alberta.   company purchase the maximum allowable
       in Alberta,” said Laurie Pushor, president,   “The increased mandatory closure spend   number of shares, or on June 28, 2023.
       and CEO of the AER. “We are taking action   target upholds our robust regulatory standards   Imperial has established an automatic
       to stop the growth of closure liability in the   by shrinking the inventory of inactive sites   share purchase plan with its designated broker
       next five years. With these new requirements,   across the province and accelerating the   to facilitate the purchase of common shares,
       companies will be accountable to decrease   timely restoration of land.”  both under the NCIB and concurrently from
       inactive well sites across Alberta.”  In 2021, industry decommissioned 11,801   ExxonMobil, during times when Imperial
         The AER reviewed recent closure spending,  wells, 7,713 pipeline segments, and 570   would ordinarily not be permitted to purchase
       commodity pricing, and market conditions in   facilities while 2,159 sites received reclamation   due to regulatory restrictions or self-imposed
       determining the 2023 target.        certificates by the AER.             black-out periods. Before entering a black-out
         “Given the pronounced improvement in   ALBERTA ENERGY REGULATOR, June 28, 2022  period, Imperial may, but is not required to,
       revenue and the continued recovery of the oil                            instruct the broker to make purchases under

       Week 26   30•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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