Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
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NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

       the NCIB based on parameters set by Imperial   based on a closing share price of $13.51 on   of its Stanley Oil & Gas business to Pipeline
       in accordance with the share purchase plan,   June 24, 2022, both subject to customary   Technique, a leading provider of solutions
       TSX rules and applicable securities laws. The   closing adjustments. The effective date   to the energy industry. The pending sale
       plan has been pre-cleared by the TSX and will   of the Titus acquisition will be August 1,   of Stanley Oil & Gas encompasses pipeline
       be implemented effective June 29, 2022.  2022, with closing anticipated in the third   services and equipment businesses including
         Consistent with the company’s balance   quarter of 2022. The cash portion of the   CRC-Evans Pipeline International, Pipeline
       sheet strength, low capital requirements and   consideration is expected to be funded   Induction Heat and Stanley Inspection,
       strong cash generation, this announcement   with cash on hand and borrowings under   which generated combined revenues of
       reflects the company’s priority and capacity   the company’s senior secured revolving   approximately $140mn in 2021.
       to return cash to shareholders. The NCIB   credit facility. In conjunction with the   Don Allan, Stanley Black & Decker’s
       represents a flexible and tax-efficient way of   Titus Acquisition, Earthstone has obtained   president and CFO, stated: “The sale of our
       distributing surplus liquidity to shareholders   $400mn of incremental commitments   oil and gas business builds on our strategic
       who choose to participate by selling their   from existing lenders, increasing elected   commitment to streamlining our company
       shares. In addition, the NCIB will be used   commitments under the credit facility from   to focus on our core Tools & Outdoor
       to eliminate dilution from shares issued in   the current $800mn to $1.2bn upon closing.   and Industrial businesses. The portfolio
       conjunction with Imperial’s restricted stock   Earthstone’s current borrowing base is $1.4bn   simplification is designed to leverage our
       unit plan.                          and is expected to increase with the Titus   leadership positions to drive innovation,
         ExxonMobil will be permitted to   acquisition.                         organic growth and margin expansion, as well
       sell its shares to Imperial outside of, but   EARTHSTONE ENERGY, June 28, 2022  as generate significant long-term value for our
       concurrent with, the NCIB in order to                                    shareholders. On behalf of the entire Stanley
       maintain its proportionate share ownership   Lucero Energy confirms      Black & Decker organisation, I want to thank
       at approximately 69.6%. ExxonMobil advised                               our Stanley Oil & Gas team members for their
       Imperial that it intends to participate, as it   $180mn credit facility  valuable contributions over the years.”
       has in prior years, and has established an                                 Stanley Black & Decker expects to incur
       automatic share disposition plan to facilitate   Lucero Energy is pleased to announce the   a pre-tax, non-cash charge of approximately
       the sale of its shares concurrent with the   company’s senior secured credit facility has   $125-200mn related to the write-down of the
       NCIB.                               been set at $180mn, providing Lucero with   Oil & Gas net assets, which will be excluded
       IMPERIAL OIL, June 27, 2022         significant financial liquidity. The maturity   from adjusted earnings. The results of the
                                           date of the credit facility is May 2024, subject   Oil & Gas business will remain in continuing
       Earthstone Energy                   to semi-annual reviews by the lenders to   operations and will not be reclassified as
                                           confirm the credit capacity of the company,
                                                                                discontinued operations. The transaction
       announces Northern                  which will occur no later than May 31 and   is subject to regulatory approval and other
                                           November 30 annually.
                                                                                customary closing conditions.
       Delaware Basin asset                CIBC (as sole bookrunner and lead arranger),   STANLEY BLACK & DECKER, June 28, 2022
                                              The credit facility syndicate will include
       acquisition for ~$627mn             Bank of Montreal, Royal Bank of Canada,   CWC Energy Services
                                           National Bank of Canada and ATB Financial.
       Earthstone Energy today announced that   LUCERO ENERGY, June 28, 2022    announces acquisition
       it has entered into an agreement to acquire
       the New Mexico assets of Titus Oil & Gas                                 of three high-spec AC
       Production and Titus Oil & Gas Production   SERVICES
       II and their affiliates located in the northern                          triple drilling rigs further
       Delaware Basin. Titus is privately held with   Stanley Black & Decker
       sponsorship by investment funds managed by                               expanding its US presence
       NGP Energy Capital Management.      reaches agreement to sell
         The aggregate purchase price of                                        CWC Energy Services is pleased to announce
       the Titus Acquisition is approximately   its oil and gas business        that its wholly owned subsidiary, CWC
       $627mn consisting of $575mn in cash and                                  Energy Services (USA), has closed the
       approximately 3.9mn shares of Earthstone’s   Stanley Black & Decker today announced it   acquisition of three high-spec AC triple
       Class A common stock valued at $52mn   has signed a definitive agreement for the sale   drilling rigs and critical spare components

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   30•June•2022
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