Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Sitio buys Permian assets from Foundation

        PERMIAN BASIN    SITIO Royalties Corp. this week announced  acreage position with the acquisition of more
                         that it has completed the acquisition of around  than 100,000 NRAs (405,000 square km). It now
                         31,900 net royalty acres (NRAs, 129 square km)  has a total acreage of more than 173,000 NRAs
                         in the Permian Basin while agreeing derivative  (688 square km), providing investors with “expo-
                         contracts to provide cash flow security.  sure to a diversified set of high-quality and active
                           The acquisition is comprised of two deals.  operators, including Coterra Energy, Colgate
                         The first saw it pick up more than 19,700 NRAs  Energy, ConocoPhillips, Devon Energy, Exxon-
                         (80 square km) from Midland-based Founda-  Mobil, Occidental Petroleum and Pioneer Natu-
                         tion Minerals, a portfolio company of Quan-  ral Resources,” it said.
                         tum Energy Partners, for around $323mn.   The deals are expected to add 15% per share
                         The second comprises a “definitive purchase  to the company’s 2H2022 dividend payout.
                         and sale agreement” for more than 12,000   Sitio CEO Chris Conoscenti described the
                         NRAs (49 square km) for around $224mn  acquisitions as “highly accretive” and noted
                         from Houston-based Momentum Minerals,  the company’s “continued execution of our
                         which is a portfolio of funds and accounts man-  returns-focused, large-scale mineral and royalty
                         aged or advised by affiliates of Apollo Global  consolidation strategy”.
                         Management.                            Meanwhile, the company’s chairman, Noam
                           Sitio said that it had funded the Foundation  Lockshin, added: “The acquired assets are in
                         deal by leveraging a credit facility and proceeds  highly valued areas of the Permian Basin, mean-
                         from a 364-day unsecured bridge loan, while the  ingfully increasing our line of sight to strong pro-
                         Momentum purchase “is expected to be funded  duction growth in the near term and providing
                         utilising debt financing and close in the third  substantial remaining inventory.”
                         quarter of 2022”.                      While announcing the acreage expansion,
                           The deals mark the company’s fourth and  Sitio said it has also signed crude oil and natural
                         fifth acquisitions covering at least 10,000 NRAs  gas derivative contracts “to enhance the certainty
                         (40 square km) that have been completed or  of cash flows and protect against adverse com-
                         signed in the last 12 months, tripling Sitio’s  modity price fluctuations”.™


       Hibernia receives major resource boost

        NEWFOUNDLAND     CANADA’S offshore Hibernia oilfield could  136.8mn barrels have been produced.
        AND LABRADOR     contain nearly 346mn barrels more than previ-  CNLOPB said its findings were “based on
                         ously thought, according to a new resource esti-  data acquired from drilling and production
                         mate by the local regulator.         activities along with an updated, long-term drill
                           Last week, the Canada-Newfoundland &  schedule.”
                         Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (CNLOPB)   The field is located on the north-eastern
                         released its latest report on the field’s estimated  Grand Banks, around 315 km from St. John’s,
                         ultimate recovery (EUR), suggesting that proven  Newfoundland, in the Jeanne d’Arc Basin. It
                         and probable (2P) reserves amount to 1.812bn  was discovered in 1979 by US firm Chevron and
                         barrels, 168mn more than the 1.644bn barrels  following the drilling of nine additional wells
                         estimated in 2014. The report said the EUR  to delineate the discovery, it entered produc-
                         could be further expanded by 178mn barrels to  tion from the Hibernia gravity base structure
                         almost 2bn barrels (3P) when including possible  platform in 1997. The facility has a production
                         reserves.                            capacity of 220,000 barrels per day (bpd).
                           The latest figure includes the 1.22bn bar-  The field is operated by the Hibernia Man-
                         rels produced from the field as of April 30 this  agement & Development Co. (HMDC), led by
                         year, while the field also contains contingent  American super-major ExxonMobil and has
                         gas resources in excess of 2.5 trillion cubic  produced at an average rate of 134,000 bpd over
                         feet (71bn cubic metres) and 53mn barrels  its 25-year life to date.
                         of NGLs. The Hibernia data also includes   ExxonMobil (33.125%) is joined in HMDC
                         reserves assigned to the Ben Nevis – Avalon  by Chevron (26.825%), Suncor Energy (20%),
                         and Catalina reservoirs, which have com-  Canada Hibernia Holding Corp. (CHHC, 8.5%),
                         bined 3P reserves of 550mn barrels, of which  Murphy Oil (6.5%) and Equinor Canada (5%).™

       Week 26   30•June•2022                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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