Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The acquisition comes
                                                                                                  as Canada moves
                                                                                                  closer to becoming an
                                                                                                  exporter of LNG with
                                                                                                  construction of the LNG
                                                                                                  Canada terminal.

                         from both the owned assets and third parties.  of the year. It then expects net debt to fall fur-
                         The facility has the capacity to process 165  ther still to CAD800mn ($621mn) by the end
                         mmcf (4.7 mcm) per day.              of 2023.
                           The value of the assets has gone up thanks to   In its statement, Whitecap said it predicted
                         the rise in commodity prices since the start of  production from the assets to rise to 36,000
                         the year, especially following Russia’s invasion  boepd in 2023, with condensate accounting for
                         of Ukraine and the market upheaval that fol-  27%, NGLs for 9% and gas for 64%. It cited a
                         lowed. This is a turnaround from 2020, when  positive outlook for North American natural
                         the assets were related to a multi-billion-dol-  gas, driven by increased exports and concerns
                         lar impairment charge taken by Imperial and  over global energy security. The acquisition will
                         ExxonMobil.                          give the company a more “balanced” portfolio
                                                              and allow it to diversify its commodity revenue
                         Building up                          streams and gain “significant” long-term expo-
                         The acquisition significantly expands Whitecap’s  sure to North American gas prices.
                         natural gas portfolio, increasing its Montney   Indeed, this comes as construction continues
                         footprint by over 500% and consolidating cer-  on the first major LNG export facility on the
                         tain working interests at Kakwa from an average  British Columbia coast, the Shell-led LNG Can-  The acquisition
                         of 66% to 100% on roughly 22,000 gross acres (89  ada, with the Montney play expected to serve as
                         square km). It also gives the company a presence  a source of feedstock gas. Another West Coast   significantly
                         in the Duvernay at Kaybob.           facility, Woodfibre LNG, is advancing towards   expands
                           This is the latest step in the company’s expan-  a final investment decision (FID), while else-
                         sion after it doubled its output from an aver-  where in Canada, on the East Coast, a shelved   Whitecap’s
                         age of 69,000 boepd in 2020 to almost 133,000  export project looks increasingly likely to be
                         boepd in the first quarter of 2022. Whitecap’s  revived. (See: Canada talks LNG options with   natural gas
                         previous Montney acquisition, Kicking Horse  Germany, page 8)
                         Oil & Gas, came in the first half of 2021. At the                            portfolio,
                         time, it doubled its Montney position to about  What next?                 increasing its
                         76,000 net acres (308 square km), according to  Against this backdrop it is not surprising that
                         energy analytics firm Enverus.       some companies would be tempted to expand   Montney footprint
                           The company also has oil-producing assets in  their natural gas footprints. This comes even as
                         Saskatchewan and Alberta.            volatile commodity prices make it potentially   by over 500%.
                           Whitecap said it would fund the acquisition  more difficult for sellers and buyers of acreage to
                         through existing credit facilities and a new four-  agree on valuations.
                         year term loan, with the deal anticipated to close   Indeed, the acquisition is seen by analysts as
                         before the end of the third quarter of this year.  evidence that there are still willing buyers for
                         Upon closing, the company anticipates net debt  large packages of assets. More consolidation
                         of CAD2.1bn ($1.6bn), which it then expects  may yet follow as other companies potentially
                         to decrease to CAD1.5bn ($1.2bn) by the end  also pivot more towards gas.™

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