Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 26 2022
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       ExxonMobil, Imperial strike deal to

       sell Canadian shale assets

       ExxonMobil and Imperial Oil have agreed to sell their Montney and Duvernay assets in

       Canada to Whitecap Resources for $1.5bn

        WESTERN          EXXONMOBIL and its Canadian subsidiary,   This week, ExxonMobil echoed an intention
        CANADA           Imperial Oil, have found a buyer for their jointly  to focus on its own key upstream assets. In the
                         owned Canadian shale business, which they  super-major’s case, those include its Permian
       WHAT:             have been seeking to sell since January. The two  Basin shale operations, as well as its offshore
       ExxonMobil and Imperial   companies agreed this week to sell XTO Energy  operations in Guyana.
       are selling their Canadian   Canada to Whitecap Resources for CAD1.9bn   XTO Energy Canada owns 567,000 net acres
       shale assets to Whitecap   ($1.47bn).                  (2,295 square km) in the Montney shale and
       for $1.5bn.         The transaction represents a markup on an  72,000 net acres (291 square km) in the Duver-
                         earlier estimate from industry insiders that the  nay play, both in Northwest, as well as some
       WHY:              assets involved could be valued at up to $1bn. It  additional acreage in other areas of Alberta. In
       The companies     is the largest Canadian acquisition of the year,  total, the properties amount to 672,000 gross
       announced that they were   according to Sayer Energy Advisors, as well  acres (2,719 square km).
       trying to sell the assets at   as being Whitecap’s largest ever deal and its   The venture’s net production from these
       the start of the year.  fifth major acquisition since the coronavirus  assets totals around 140mn cubic feet (4.0mn
                         (COVID-19) pandemic began.           cubic metres) per day of gas and about 9,000
       WHAT NEXT:                                             barrels per day (bpd) of crude, condensate
       The transaction price   Shale sale                     and natural gas liquids (NGLs). This equates
       represents a markup on   Imperial said in January that it would be mar-  to 32,000 barrels of oil equivalent (boepd) in
       an earlier valuation, and   keting XTO Energy Canada together with Exx-  total, with condensate and NGLs accounting
       is also Whitecap’s largest   onMobil. The company described the decision  for 30%.
       ever deal.        at the time as part of its ongoing evaluation of   According to Whitecap, the acquisition
                         its unconventional portfolio, as well as being  includes over 20 years’ worth of Tier 1 drilling
                         consistent with its strategy of focusing on its oil  locations, as well as an operated shallow cut gas
                         sands operations.                    facility in the Duvernay that processes volumes

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 26   30•June•2022
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