Page 20 - DMEA Week 40
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DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       UAE LNG exports grow by             The decision is based on the global price of   advisory services of the multilateral institution
                                           a barrel of Brent crude, the change in the
                                                                                to Iraqi banks and businesses.
       7.6% in Q2 of 2020                  price of the dollar against the pound, and   membership requirements before the
                                                                                  Iraq will have to meet some pre-
                                           other fixed costs that are adjusted each year
       The UAE’s liquefied natural gas exports   in conjunction with the approval of the   membership process concludes with
       stood stable at 1.4mn tonnes in the second   budget of the Egyptian General Petroleum   the acquisition of shares in EBRD. As a
       quarter of 2020, a growth of 7.6% compared   Corporation for the previous fiscal year by   shareholder, Iraq could subsequently make
       to the same period in 2019, according to   the Central Auditing Organisation.  an application to change its status to that of
       recent reports by the Organisation of Arab                               recipient country, benefiting from the EBRD’s
       Petroleum Exporting Countries, OAPEC.                                    finance and policy support. This request
         The UAE has become a key player in the   Renergen signs LNG supply     would be addressed by EBRD shareholders in
       global gas market after recently announcing                              a separate process.
       major discoveries, which will strengthen its   agreement with Logico       EBRD accepted Iraq’s membership
       future leadership in this sector, according to                           despite the fact that the current geographical
       many specialist international organisations.  LNG and helium producer Renergen (RLT)   remit of the EBRD’s southern and eastern
         The liquefied gas industry is gaining   has signed a new natural gas supply agreement  Mediterranean region does not include Iraq.
       momentum each year, in light of the   with niche market transport service provider   The resolution adopted by the bank’s board
       growing number of production and export   Logico Logistics Group.        of governors confirms EBRD’s interest in a
       projects launched by countries in various   Under the agreement, Logico will be able   limited and incremental expansion to Iraq
       global markets, amidst increasing demand   to access RLT’s LNG via Total service stations   during the next strategy period of 2021-2025.
       for this strategic product.         along the N3 route between Johannesburg and
         In detail, OAPEC’s statistics showed   Durban in South Africa.
       that Emirati liquefied natural gas exports   The transport solutions provider will also   EBRD may provide $250mn
       accounted for 1.6% of global gas exports   become the first customer to access Renergen’s
       and 5.5% of Arab exports in the second   LNG gas at Total brand fuel stations — after   sovereign loan to Egypt’s
       quarter of 2020.                    the two companies signed a marketing and
         The LNG industry witnessed an annual   distribution deal signed earlier this year.  Alexandria Petroleum
       growth of 6% in the first quarter of 2020,   RLT CEO Stefano Marani said signing
       despite the slowdown witnessed by most   Logico showed how sustainable solutions were  The European Bank for Reconstruction
       economic sectors due to the coronavirus,   on the rise among businesses.  and Development (EBRD) is considering
       COVID-19, pandemic.                    “Adoption of sustainable solutions in   providing a $250mn sovereign loan to Egypt
                                           business has reached a tipping point, and   to exclusively finance a package of energy and
                                           partners like Logico are amongst those   water efficiency investments at Alexandria
       Egypt keeps fuel prices             leading the pack,” he said.          Petroleum Company (APC) to modernise and
                                                                                upgrade the refinery with processes capable
                                              “We are proud to be their supplier of clean
       unchanged for 3 months              fuel and look forward to a long relationship   of producing higher value added products,
                                           together,” he added.
                                                                                improving energy efficiency and overall
       Egypt’s fuel price indexation committee,   Logico Managing Director Clint Brook   performance. The loan is part of a $647mn
       decided to keep fuel prices unchanged on   said the switch to LNG where possible will   total project funding needs.
       October 7.                          reduce savings and reduce emissions.   The project aims to modernise APC’s
         The committee which reviews and      “Dual Fuel trucks are undoubtedly the way   facilities and improve the refinery’s efficiency,
       determines the prices of some petroleum   forward and the ability to implement is on our   reduce its energy consumption and overall
       products on a quarterly basis, maintained   doorstep,” Clint said.       environmental impact, while enhancing
       the price of three types of petrol products in   “Full gas trucks will become a reality in the   plant productivity through saving emissions
       the local market at EGP6.25 per litre of 80   medium term when Renergen expands it’s   of greenhouse gases (GHG) in addition to
       octane gasoline, 92 octane gasoline stands at   production and footprint in South Africa and   installing a continuous emissions monitoring
       EGP7.5 per litre and at EGP8.50 per litre of   the outlook for green energy is very exciting,”   system. The project also plans to reduce fuel
       octane 95 gasoline.                 he added.                            consumption through the installation of an
         The committee also decided to keep the                                 energy management system and a vapour
       diesel price at EGP6.75 per litre and hold the                           recovery unit among other energy efficiency
       selling price of mazut for non-electricity and   EBRD’s shareholders accept   investments. Lastly, it will decrease the
       bakeries usage at EGP3900 per tonne.                                     seawater pollution risk and reduce water
         The committee’s recent decision is based   Iraq’s membership           usage through the installation of a waste water
       on its commitment to what was announced                                  treatment unit.
       in July 2019 to apply the automatic pricing   The European Bank for Reconstruction
       mechanism to some fuel prices.      and Development’s (EBRD) shareholders
         The mechanism aims to adjust the selling   approved Iraq’s request to become a member
       prices of some petroleum products in the   of the bank, potentially unlocking lending
       local market, up and down every quarter.   and investment facilities as well as technical

       P20                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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