Page 17 - DMEA Week 40
P. 17

DMEA                                           REFINING                                               DMEA

       South Sudan’s Nilepet outlines

       development plans

        SOUTH SUDAN      SOUTH Sudan’s national oil company (NOC)  in major towns in South Sudan, which is a very
                         Nilepet is looking to expand its domestic oper-  ambitious plan because we need to have strategic
       South Sudan’s national   ations and become a vertically integrated firm.  reserves. We want to extend our retail outlets to
       oil company (NOC)   According to James Yugusuk, the compa-  all the major towns in South Sudan,” he stated.
       Nilepet is looking to   ny’s director-general for downstream activ-  He went on to say that Nilepet was eager to
       expand its domestic   ities, Nilepet wants to be able to lead domestic  expand training programmes for local workers.
       operations and become   upstream projects. “We want to have our own  “We want to raise world-class South Sudanese
       a vertically integrated   block to operate,” he was quoted as saying by  technical staff ... We also want to have a strong
       firm.             Africa Oil + Gas Report.             footprint in the research and development pro-
                           The NOC is working “to build the capacity  grammes,” he commented.
                         of our national staff such that between 2022 and   Additionally, he said that the NOC wanted to
                         2027 we’ll become a standalone operator, able to  establish alliances with international oil compa-
                         work up and develop hydrocarbon acreages by  nies (IOCs) in the oilfield services sector. Nilepet
                         ourselves,” he added.                has already taken steps in this direction by setting
                           Nilepet is making progress towards this goal  up joint ventures such as SIPET, an engineering
                         via joint ventures such as Nile Delta, which is  and construction firm, with China’s QDC, and
                         49% owned by Niger Delta Exploration and Pro-  NIYAT, a road construction and maintenance
                         duction (NDEP) of Nigeria, he explained. The  firm, with Eyat-Sudan, he said. It is also looking
                         venture was established to expand and commer-  for a minority investor in the Nile Drilling com-
                         cialise natural gas production in South Sudan, he  pany, he added.
                         noted.                                 This is not Nilepet’s first expression of ambi-
                           Yugusuk did not say whether Nilepet was tar-  tion. Managing director Chol Deng Thon Abel
                         geting any particular upstream projects, but he  said recently that the company hoped to assume
                         did state that the NOC was also keen on down-  control over domestic oilfields as contracts
                         stream oil refining and storage projects, as well as  with various IOCs expired. The first assets to be
                         domestic petroleum product sales. “[We] want to  handed over to Nilepet are likely to be the two
                         construct four refineries: one [each] in Bentiu,  blocks held by Dar Petroleum Operating Co.
                         Paloch, Pagak and Thiangrial. All those are pro-  (DPOC), whose contract is due to expire in 2027,
                         ducing blocks. We also want to construct depots  he stated. ™

       Week 40   08•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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