Page 14 - DMEA Week 40
P. 14

DMEA                                              POLICY                                               DMEA

       Angola reports oil output up in August

        ANGOLA           ANGOLA’S National Agency of Petroleum,  metres) per day, recorded in the same month of
                         Gas and Biofuels (ANPG) said last week that  the previous year.
       Gas production was   the country had seen crude oil production rise   The agency further stated that the Angola
       also up.          slightly in the month of August.     LNG plant in Soyo, a town in northern Angola,
                           In a press release, ANPG stated that Angolan  turned out 4.6mn boe (151,371 boepd) of LNG
                         oilfields had yielded a total of 39.265mn bar-  and other fuels in the month of August. This con-
                         rels of crude in August, equivalent to 1.265mn  sisted of 3.78mn boe (121,984 boepd) of LNG,
                         barrels per day. This was 0.42% above the figure  427,044 boe (13,776 boepd) of propane, 283,910
                         of 1.26mn bpd reported for the same month of  boe (9,158 boepd) of butane and 200,070 boe
                         2019, it said.                       (6,454 boepd) of condensate.
                           The agency also noted that production of   Angola LNG is a consortium formed by
                         liquid hydrocarbons – that is, crude oil, gas con-  the national oil company (NOC) Sonangol,
                         densate and LPG – had amounted to 39.958mn  BP (UK), Chevron (US), Eni (Italy) and Total
                         barrels of oil equivalent (boe) in August, equiv-  (France). Its gas liquefaction plant is capable of
                         alent to 1.289mn boe per day (boepd). It did not  turning out up to 5.2mn tonnes per year (tpy)
                         provide a comparative figure from last year.  of LNG.
                           ANPG went on to say that Angola had   ANPG also said that the Cabinda Association
                         extracted some 94.228mn cubic feet (2.668mn  had extracted 519,222 boe of LPG, equivalent to
                         cubic metres) of associated gas, equivalent to  16,749 boepd, in August. This group – which
                         3.04 mcf (86,083 cubic metres) per day. This rep-  includes the US major Chevron as well as Eni,
                         resented a rise of 9.63% on the figure of 85,963  Total and Sonangol – is the developer of Block
                         mcf (2,434 mcm), or 2,773 mcf (78,523 cubic  0. ™


       Golar LNG, BP strike deal on delivery

       date for Gimi FLNG vessel

        WEST AFRICA      BERMUDA-REGISTERED  Golar LNG  reduce and re-profile its capital spending com-
                         revealed in a statement last week that it had  mitments for 2020 and 2021.” Later, it conceded
      BP had invoked a force   struck a deal with BP (UK) on setting a new  that it had no choice but to revise its work sched-
      majeure to delay the   target date for the conversion of the Gimi LNG  ule, citing the impact of lockdowns in Singapore.
      project.           tanker into a floating LNG (FLNG) unit for the   Since then, BP and Golar LNG have been
                         Greater Tortue/Ahmeyim project offshore Mau-  working to draw up a new work plan. They have
                         ritania and Senegal.                 now wrapped up talks on the matter and have
                            The new deadline will be nearly a year behind  agreed to preserve the original 20-year term of
                         the original, the statement said. “The revised  the charter, according to the latter company’s
                         project schedule will result in the target connec-  statement.
                         tion date for the converted [FLNG] vessel Gimi,   Additionally, BP has lifted its declaration of
                         previously scheduled for 2022 ... being extended  force majeure, Golar LNG noted. These develop-
                         by 11 months,” the statement said.   ments are “expected to facilitate the conclusion
                            The two companies had originally signed a  of ongoing discussions with both engineering,
                         20-year charter for the vessel in February 2019.  procurement and construction [EPC] contrac-
                         At that time, they said they hoped to finish the  tors and lending banks regarding the adjustment
                         $1.3bn conversion project in time for the Gimi  of construction and financing schedules respec-
                         FLNG unit to begin liquefying gas from the  tively,” it added.
                         Greater Tortue/Ahmeyim block in 2022. But   UK-based BP is leading development efforts
                         in April 2020, BP declared force majeure on the  at the Greater Tortue/Ahmeyim block, which
                         project, saying it wanted to delay receipt of the  straddles the maritime border between Senegal
                         vessel for 12 months in light of the coronavirus  and Mauritania. The super-major and its part-
                         (COVID-19) pandemic.                 ners intend to extract hydrocarbons from the
                            Golar LNG criticised this move, saying it did  ultra-deepwater block using a floating produc-
                         not expect the pandemic to lead to such a long  tion, storage and off-loading (FPSO) vessel. The
                         delay. However, it also began discussions with  FPSO will then transfer gas to the Gimi FLNG,
                         Singapore-based Keppel, its main contractor,  which is capable of turning out about 2.5mn
                         citing a need “to re-schedule activities in order to  tonnes per year (tpy) of LNG. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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