Page 13 - DMEA Week 40
P. 13

DMEA                                             POLICY                                               DMEA

                                                                                                  (From left) UAE Foreign
                                                                                                  Minister Abdullah bin
                                                                                                  Zayed Al Nahyan,
                                                                                                  Bahrain Foreign
                                                                                                  Minister Abdullatif
                                                                                                  bin Rashid Al Zayani,
                                                                                                  Israeli Prime Minister
                                                                                                  Benjamin Netanyahu.

       US brokering continues as Israel,

       UAE agree energy co-operation

        ISRAEL           FOLLOWING the signing of a peace agreement  being acquired by fellow American company
                         in September, the US, Israel and the UAE have  Chevron in a multi-billion-dollar deal.
       The move comes after   agreed an energy-focused co-operation deal.  However, this comes amid a growing tide of
       a peace deal between   A joint statement was published by the US  public opinion against fossil fuel development
       Israel and the UAE.  Department of Energy (DoE) on October 1,  and use, which has focused on pushing for the
                         which said that the countries “agree to encour-  decommissioning of the Haifa refinery, which is
                         age greater co-ordination in the energy sector,  now expected to occur within the next decade.
                         including renewable energy, energy efficiency,  Speaking to Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG),
                         oil, natural gas resources and related technolo-  Amit Mor, CEO of Eco Energy. said that by 2030
                         gies, and water desalination technologies”.  around two thirds of new cars in Israel will be
                           The DoE added: “Israel, the United Arab  electric vehicles (EVs) as the country continues
                         Emirates and the United States are committed to  its shift away from coal.
                         exploring collective activities in multilateral set-  Mor said that domestic gas production had
                         tings in co-ordination with financial institutions  changed Israel’s energy consumption makeup
                         and the private sector to enhance international  from roughly 80% coal and 20% oil to around
                         investment in research and development and the  70% gas, with renewables providing a growing
                         rapid adoption of new energy technologies.”  percentage. The government has a target of pro-
                           The UAE has an ambitious target of increas-  ducing 16 GW by 2030, catering to around 30%
                         ing oil production capacity from the current  by 2030.
                         level of 4mn barrels per day to 5mn bpd by 2030,   For its part, the UAE is increasingly turning
                         while total liquids production is 2.43mn bpd.  its attention to alternative energy, with energy
                         The Emirates are also investing heavily to boost  minister Suhail al-Mazrouei saying on Septem-
                         gas output.                          ber 14 that the country intends to generate 44%
                           Meanwhile, Israel saw its Leviathan gas field  of its power from renewable energy by 2050.
                         come on stream at the turn of the year and vari-  Following the start-up of the first reactor at the
                         ous international and local firms are building out  country’s new nuclear facility this year, around
                         the country’s gas sector. US firm Noble Energy  25% of its power demand will be met by nuclear
                         has played a pivotal role in developing the coun-  once the remaining three reactors expand capac-
                         try’s gas fields, and the firm is in the midst of  ity to 5.6 GW. ™

       Week 40   08•October•2020                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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