Page 18 - DMEA Week 40
P. 18

DMEA                                            REFINING                                               DMEA

       Trinity in talks on $500mn

       refinery in South Sudan

        SOUTH SUDAN      SOUTH Sudanese fuel supplier Trinity Energy has  obvious is South Sudan, next door is Ethiopia,
                         entered into talks with financiers and contractors  Sudan and the surrounding countries are the
      Trinity said it had   to build a $500mn oil refinery at Paloich, its CEO  potential market.”
      engaged Chenex as the   Robert Mdeza told reporters on October 6.  Trinity will look to partners with banks to
      project’s manager.   US firm Chemex will serve as the project’s  finance construction, using a mix of equity and
                         manager, while preparation work will be funded  credit funding.
                         by the African Export-Import Bank, Mdeza said.   South Sudan gained independence from
                         Neither entity has confirmed their involvement  Sudan in 2011, taking the bulk of the former
                         in the project.                      combined country’s oil wealth with it. Since then
                           “We are already making steady progress  it has been working to expand its refining capac-
                         towards our refinery project. We have already  ity to over 100,000 bpd, although NewsBase sees
                         identified and secured land for the refinery in  this target as overly ambitious.
                         Paloich. We have engaged Chemex of the US as   The country’s current five-year strategy calls
                         the project manager,” he said. “Separately we are  for the construction of five refineries close to its
                         close to tying up project preparatory work financ-  oilfields. It also involves the rehabilitation of the
                         ing from Afrieximbank, and this will aid in the  existing 5,000 bpd Bentiu oil refinery, which was
                         engineering and design work for the facility.”  reported as near completion in August.
                           Operations will start in two to three years and   Trinity won a contract to build an oil refin-
                         the refinery will handle 40,000 barrels per day  ery near Paloich in 2018. The company, which
                         (bpd) of crude from locally produced oil in the  controls 40% of South Sudan’s fuel supply,
                         oil-rich Upper Nile region. This capacity could  also plans to build a 50mn litre storage site
                         be raised to 200,000 bpd in the future, supplying  for refined products beside the Juba-Bahr-el-
                         customers across the East Africa region.  Ghazal highway, Mdeza said. In addition, it
                           “So we have the source, we will refine it right  wants to distribute fuels in Kenya, Uganda,
                         near the sources, and from there we will find the  Tanzania and the Democratic Republic of
                         market,” Mdeza continued. “One market that is  Congo (Kinshasa). ™


       Aramco, Sumitomo provide $2bn

       loan to petchem venture

        SAUDI ARABIA     SAUDI national oil giant Saudi Aramco and  day (bpd) refinery and petrochemicals units
                         Japan’s Sumitomo Chemical have pledged a  from February 24.
       The loan will     $2bn loan to their PetroRabigh petrochemicals   Product margins were also weaker owing to
       cover a shortfall in   venture to cover a shortfall in its working capital.  “challenging economic conditions” exacerbated
       PetroRabigh’s working   Sumitomo, which owns a 37.5% in the ven-  by COVID-19, it said.
       capital.          ture, said on October 1 it would issue its pro-rata   According to Sumitomo, PetroRabigh still
                         share of the loan, worth $750mn. Aramco will  has $4.6bn in outstanding debt, having spent
                         presumably cover the remaining $1.25bn.  $9.1bn on a petrochemical expansion project
                            The shortfall in capital has been caused by a  completed in 2018. The venture will continue
                         rapid deterioration in market conditions, Sum-  repaying its debts using its operational cash flow,
                         itomo said, as well as the cost of maintenance  Sumitomo said.
                         work. The global petrochemicals market was fac-  PetroRabigh is based in western Saudi Ara-
                         ing a glut even before the coronavirus (COVID-  bia, operating a complex 150 km north of Jiddah.
                         19) crisis began, owing to weaker-than-expected  Its units are capable of producing 700,000 tonnes
                         demand in key markets. Many producers have  per year of polypropylene, 600,000 tpy of linear
                         seen losses deepen since the pandemic took hold.  low-density polyethylene and linear low-density
                            PetroRabigh booked a loss of SAR1.44bn  polyethylene, 300,000 tpy of high-density poly-
                         ($384mn) in the second quarter, versus a  ethylene, 160,000 tpy of low-density polyethylene,
                         SAR308mn loss a year earlier. The company  400,000 tpy of benzene and 1.3mn tpy of paraxylene.
                         blamed this on six months of maintenance,   PetroRabigh has to disclose its results because
                         which led to the closure of its 400,000 barrel per  25% of its shares are publicly traded. ™

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 40   08•October•2020
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