Page 10 - LatAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 10

LatAmOil                                          BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

                                                    President Bolsonaro (left of centre) at launch ceremony (Photo:

                         The cost of building the power plant is likely to   The joint venture also hopes to expand the
                         reach $1.12bn, according to Siemens Energy, a   hub to include onshore gas pipelines and a
                         US-German division of the German conglom-  gas-processing unit. It has said it intends to
                         erate Siemens, which is a member of the BNA   invest about $5bn in the gas and power complex.
                         consortium. Siemens has formed a consortium   The Açu Gas Hub is near producing gas fields
                         with Andrade Gutierrez, a Brazilian holding, to   in Brazil’s offshore zone and will be able to ben-
                         build the GNA-II TPP under a $1.1bn contract.   efit from plans for the construction of a 500-kV
                         The German company will be responsible for   transmission line in the region. It is also capable
                         delivering one steam turbine, three HL-class   of importing up to 28mn cubic metres per day
                         gas turbines, three heat-recovery steam genera-  of LNG via a floating storage and regasification
                         tors and four electric generators, while Andrade   unit (FSRU) known as the BW Magna, which
                         Gutierrez will provide services related to civil   received its first LNG cargo from BP in late 2020.
                         works, installation and infrastructure.  GNA’s founding members are Siemens (Ger-
                           Brazil’s national electricity regulator ANEEL   many), BP (UK) and Prumo, a private Brazilian
                         authorised GNA to start commercial operations   entity controlled by EIG Global Energy Partners
                         at its first TPP, known as GNA-I, last year. The   (US). Siemens has agreed to build the TPPs,
                         joint venture commissioned that plant, which   while Prumo operates the BW Magna FSRU. BP,
                         has an installed capacity of 1,338 MW, last Octo-  for its part, is supplying the terminal with LNG.
                         ber. The facility, which was built at a cost of $1bn,   The joint venture also includes China’s State
                         is capable of generating enough electricity for   Power Investment Corp. (SPIC), which com-
                         6mn households.                      pleted its acquisition of a stake in GNA early last
                           GNA aims to build two more 1,672-MW   year. The joint venture said at the time that the
                         plants, GNA-III and GNA-IV, at the Açu Gas   Chinese company had acquired a 33% stake in
                         Hub complex. These TPPs will increase the   the GNA-I and GNA-II TPPs, as well as the Açu
                         complex’s generating capacity by more than 3.3   Gas Hub. It also noted that SPIC had finalised
                         GW, bringing its total installed capacity up to   an agreement that would allow it to participate
                         6.354 GW and making it the biggest facility of   in the future expansion of the complex via the
                         its kind in Latin America.           construction of GNA-III and GNA-IV. ™

       Petrobras board approves

       sale of Potiguar Cluster to 3R

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  associated infrastructure. The NOC has not yet
                         bras said last week that its board of directors had   signed a sale and purchase agreement (SPA) for
                         approved plans for the sale of package of assets   the assets but has said it will inform the market
                         known as the Potiguar Cluster to 3R Petroleum   once it does so.
                         Oleo e Gas, an independent local firm backed by   3R has agreed to pay $1.38bn for the refinery
                         Starboard Restructuring Partners.    and fields, Petrobras noted in its statement. It
                           In a statement, Petrobras noted that the   will pay $110mn of the total on the day it signs
                         board had authorised the sale of 100% of equity   the SPA, another $1.04bn when it closes the
                         in the cluster, which includes a small oil refin-  transaction and the remaining $235mn in four
                         ery and 22 crude oil and natural gas-bearing   annual instalments of $58.75mn each, the first of
                         fields in Rio Grande do Norte State, along with   which will be due on March 24.

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