Page 6 - LatAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 6

LatAmOil                                          MEXICO                                            LatAmOil

       Sempra, CFE sign MoU on

       LNG, gas pipeline projects

                         SEMPRA Infrastructure, a division of US-based   previous commitments to the Yaqui indigenous
                         Sempra, has signed a memorandum of under-  community while also supplying gas to com-
                         standing  (MoU)  with  the  Federal  Energy   mercial, industrial and residential consumers on
                         Commission (CFE), Mexico’s national power   Mexico’s Pacific coast and to the Vista Pacífico
                         provider, outlining plans for co-operation on   LNG plant, as well as consumers in Baja Cali-
                         several major projects.              fornia Sur.
                           In a statement, Sempra Infrastructure said   “Through these combined actions, CFE con-
                         that the non-binding MoU called for the two   tributes to strengthening the country’s energy
                         sides to work together on two LNG projects   security and reaffirms its commitment with the
                         – namely, the proposed construction of the   Mexican people, while Sempra Infrastructure
                         Vista Pacífico LNG gas liquefaction plant at   agrees to continue to work to develop critical
                         Topolobampo, a port in Sinaloa State, and the   new energy infrastructure in Mexico,” the state-
                         continued operation of the La Paz LNG regas-  ment said.
                         ification facility in Baja California Sur State.   It noted that the two companies had signed
                         Additionally, it said, the document provides for   the MoU on January 31 at an event attended by
                         the partners to collaborate in bringing the Guay-  CFE’s general director Manuel Bartlett Díaz and
                         mas-El Oro pipeline, which pumps natural gas   Sempra Infrastructure’s president for Mexico
                         from Sonora to Sinaloa, back on stream.  Tania Ortiz Mena. ™
                           The parties will negotiate definitive agree-
                         ments on all three projects, it reported.
                           Assuming that the LNG initiatives come to
                         fruition, they will allow CFE to optimise natu-
                         ral gas supplies and pipeline capacity between
                         the Texas-Mexico border and Topolobampo,
                         the statement said. This, in turn, will facilitate
                         gas deliveries to Baja California Sur, thereby
                         upholding Mexican President Andres Manuel
                         Lopez Obrador’s pledge to ensure the state’s
                         access to supplies of electric power and low-car-
                         bon fuels, it stated.
                           Meanwhile, Sempra reported that it was
                         restarting the Guaymas-El Oro pipeline after
                         re-routing part of the link. The construction of a
                         bypass section will allow the company to uphold   The MoU is designed to optimise natural gas supplies in the region (Image: EIA)

       Aldana wins election as Pemex union

       chief despite criticism from rivals

                         RICARDO Aldana has been elected as head   52,000 votes after 72,000 members registered to
                         of the union representing workers at Mexico’s   participate in the election. (Other sources put
                         national oil company (NOC) Pemex.    the number closer to 45,000 but said that the
                           In videos posted on social media sites on   second-place candidate had only won about
                         January 31, union representatives reported that   4,500 votes.)
                         Aldana, who currently serves as the union’s   Maldonado, for his part, noted that the offi-
                         treasurer, had won in a landslide against 25   cial results were still being processed but named
                         other candidates.                    Aldana as the victor. “But I am going to get
                           One of the representatives, named as Car-  ahead, the winner is ... Ricardo Aldana,” he was
                         los Maldonado, stated that Aldana had drawn   quoted as saying by the Reforma newspaper.

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