Page 9 - LatAmOil Week 05 2022
P. 9
LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
Hess COO says preparations
at Payara field 66% finished
EXXONMOBIL (US) and its partners in the in December 2019 and is currently producing at
Stabroek offshore block have reportedly finished the rate of about 120,000 bpd. The second, Liza-
about 66% of all preparations for commercial 2, is slated to start production next month and
operations at Payara, the third oilfield slated for will eventually yield 220,000 bpd. ExxonMobil
development at the Guyanese licence area. and its partners have installed the Liza Destiny
Greg Hill, the COO of ExxonMobil’s FPSO at Liza-1 and have already deployed the
non-operating partner Hess (US), said during a Liza Unity FPSO at Liza-2.
fourth-quarter earnings call last week that work The group will also use an FPSO to develop
on the project was proceeding on or ahead of Yellowtail, their fourth development target,
schedule on all fronts. The partners’ contractor along with other additional fields. They may
has already completed the hull for the Prosperity, eventually be operating a fleet capable of han-
the floating production, storage and off-loading dling 1mn bpd, as Stabroek is home to more
(FPSO) unit that will be installed at Payara, he than 20 fields with commercial hydrocarbon
said, and is continuing to build topside modules reserves and holds more than 10bn barrels of oil
for the vessel in Singapore. The FPSO is still on equivalent (boe) in total.
track to be finished in time to bring the field on
stream in 2024 as planned, he stated.
Hill further went on to say that work on the
subsea umbilicals, risers and flowlines (SURF)
system was actually ahead of schedule. He did
not elaborate but reported that the partners
expected installation work to move forward
later this year.
ExxonMobil has said it intends to drill up
to 41 wells in 1,800-metre-deep water at the
Payara field, including 20 production wells and
21 gas-injection wells. The production wells
will transfer crude oil to the Prosperity FPSO,
which will be capable of handling up to 220,000
barrels per day (bpd). The total cost of executing
the project, which will tap into a resource base
believed to hold 600mn barrels of oil, has been
estimated at $9bn.
Payara will be the third development target
at Stabroek. The first target, Liza-1, came online The Prosperity FPSO (C) will be installed at Payara (Photo: SBM Offshore)
GNA starts work on GNA-II at Açu Gas Hub
GAS Natural Açu (GNA), the joint venture that President Jair Bolsonaro, Energy and Mining
is carrying out Latin America’s largest LNG-to- Minister Bento Albuquerque, Infrastructure
power project, has launched construction work Minister Tarcísio Gomes de Freitas and the pres-
on GNA-II, its second natural gas-fired thermal ident’s chief of staff, Ciro Nogueira, had attended
power plant (TPP) at the Açu Gas Hub complex the launch ceremony.
in Rio de Janeiro State. The TPP will come on line in January 2025.
In a press release, GNA said it had laid the When finished, it will have an installed capacity
foundation stone for the new TPP on January of 1,672 MW, enough to supply energy for up to
31 to mark the official start of construction. The 8mn households. According to previous reports,
government of Brazil confirmed its announce- it already has at least 3 GW of long-term power
ment, saying in a separate statement that purchase agreements (PPAs) under contract.
Week 05 03•February•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P9