Page 14 - MEOG Week 05 2023
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       managing financial assets and liabilities, while   support the sustainable development of the   reaction in crude prices. Brent crude futures
       continuing its sound approach in managing   energy sector at large.”     were little changed near $86 a barrel.
       working capital and enhancing the liquidity   “We are incredibly proud to participate   China’s decision to scrap almost three
       position to serve the development projects of   in this initiative and support nogaholding, a   years of stringent Covid-19 lockdowns has
       the promising energy sector in the kingdom,”   company that plays a vital role in supporting   spurred a travel revival in the world’s biggest
       stated Al Oqab.                     Bahrain’s development efforts,” he added.  oil importer. Domestic air journeys jumped by
         Al Baraka Islamic Bank, through its   NBK-Bahrain General Manager Ali Fardan   80 percent as tourists flooded to popular local
       unwavering belief in participation, mutual   said: “We are delighted and honoured to take   destinations. Nonetheless sentiment remains
       trust and strong relations with its partners,   part in supporting nogaholding’s financial   fragile, with key indicators showing a muted
       continues its relentless endeavors to provide   plans which aim to contribute to the growth   economic recovery after the country had to
       quality banking products and financing   of Bahrain’s energy sector in line with its   contend with a resurgence in virus cases.
       solutions that positively impact the   economic Vision 2030.”              OPEC+ is also trying to gauge the impact
       performance of its partners, he noted.  “NBK Bahrain continues its commitment   of sanctions on member-nation Russia.
         It also enables them to achieve their   towards supporting major and strategic   Forecasters expect a plunge in output as
       expansion and development ambitions, in   projects across the Kingdom of Bahrain and   a European Union ban on imports of the
       a way that benefits the final outcome on the   increasing its footprint in the Corporate   country’s crude expands next month to
       growth of the national economy and the   Banking Sector within Bahrain through the   encompass refined fuels. However, oil
       development of promising economic sectors,   support from NBK Group,” he added.  shipments have so far remained surprisingly
       he added.                           ZAWYA                                resilient.
         Khaleeji Commercial Bank CEO Sattam                                      Last week, Equatorial Guinea’s Oil Minister
       Sulaiman Algosaibi said the partnership                                  Gabriel Mbaga Obiang Lima, who this year
       embodies the role assumed by the banking   OIL                           serves as OPEC’s president, said the group had
       sector towards supporting Bahrain’s economy.                             to “be very careful on any decision.” OPEC
         “This agreement will certainly contribute   OPEC+ keeps output steady   Secretary-General Haitham Al-Ghais said last
       to strengthening the financial position of                               month he remained “cautiously optimistic”
       the company and will reflect on efforts   amid uncertainty               on the global economy as China’s rebound is
       exerted to maximise the contribution of one                              countered by weakening growth elsewhere.
       of the Bahraini economy’s most important   An OPEC+ committee recommended keeping   BLOOMBERG
       components: the energy sector, in addition   crude production steady, delegates said, as the
       to being a clear indication of national   oil market awaits clarity on demand in China   Iraq’s oil revenues in
       banks’ keenness to work in the spirit of   and supplies from Russia.
       Team Bahrain with the aim to advance the   Saudi Arabia and its partners will continue   January exceed $7.6bn
       Kingdom’s economy by supporting this vital   to hold output at levels set late last year, when
       sector,” he stated.                 they announced a hefty cutback of 2 million   The Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced on
         Algosaibi said since its inception, KHCB   barrels a day to balance markets amid a fragile   Wednesday that oil export revenues for
       has been committed to actively contribute to   economy, delegates said, asking not to be   January exceeded $7bn, according to the Oil
       all national efforts and endeavours aimed at   identified because the committee’s talks were   Ministry statement cited by the Iraqi news
       promoting economic growth and meeting the   private.                     Agency (INA).
       aspirations of the kingdom’s wise leadership   Oil prices have had a rocky start to 2023,   According to initial statistics issued by
       to develop various vital sectors by providing   with a rally in mid-January fading away by   the State Organization for Marketing of Oil
       innovative banking solutions complaint with   the end of the month. That has prompted   (SOMO), the total exports of crude oil during
       Sharia principles through the establishment   the Organization of Petroleum Exporting   January exceeded 101.24 million barrels with
       of strategic partnerships with the public and   Countries and its allies to remain cautious   revenues exceeding $7.6bn, the statement
       private sectors”.                   even as industry voices from Goldman Sachs   mentioned.
         BisB CEO Yaser Alsharifi said: “As a   Group Inc. to Trafigura Group Pte Ltd. predict   The statement indicated that the total
       leading sharia-compliant financial institution   price gains later this year.  quantities of crude oil exported during
       in the kingdom, we remain firmly committed   The status-quo recommendation from   January from oilfields in central and southern
       to continue to actively contribute to uplifting   the OPEC+ Joint Ministerial Monitoring   Iraq were more than 98.46 million barrels,
       the local economy of Bahrain encouraging   Committee at its online session on Wednesday  while the quantities exported from oil fields in
       an upward trajectory of growth, as well as   was widely anticipated and caused little   Kirkuk through the port of Ceyhan were more

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