Page 18 - MEOG Week 05 2023
P. 18

MEOG                           NEWSBASE ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                           MEOG

       NewsBase Roundup Global (NRG)

        NRG              WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global   In the January 19-25 period, average gas
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  withdrawals in the EU reached 693mn cubic
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  metres per year, according to GIE.
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their
                         regional beats.                      FSUOGM: Russia finds a way
                           By clicking on the headline link for each sec-  The value of imports into Russia in the fourth
                         tion the full text will be available.  quarter of 2022 decreased at a slower pace year
                                                              on year, the Central Bank of Russia reported on
                         AfrOil: New Namibian discovery       January 26.
                         Shell (UK) has made a new discovery in the   The positive change was driven by the reori-
                         Orange basin offshore Namibia, according to a  entation of imports to countries that had not
                         report from Upstream Online.         introduced sanctions against Russia and by the
                           Three informed sources told the publication  expansion of parallel imports, the CBR said in
                         that the multi-national had found hydrocar-  a report.
                         bons in Jonker-1, a well drilled at Block 2913A.
                                                              GLNG: Third FLNG unit arrives in Germany
                         AsianOil: Santos’ Barossa setback    Germany received the Hoegh Gannet floating
                         Australia’s Santos has suffered more delays at its  storage and regasification unit on January 20 at
                         $3.6bn Barossa gas project in the country’s north,  its Brunsbuettel Elbehafen port near Hamburg.
                         after a regulator instructed the company to assess   It marks the third floating LNG terminal to
                         environmental risks to underwater indigenous  start up in recent weeks as the country contin-
                         cultural heritage before commencing pipeline  ues its shift away from Russian gas.
                           Australia’s offshore regulator announced the  LatAmOil: T&T gets Venezuela waiver
                         requirement on January 13. It follows a court  Keith Rowley, the prime minister of Trinidad
                         order made in December, which stated that San-  and Tobago, revealed that US authorities have
                         tos must consult indigenous people on the Tiwi  agreed to let his country proceed with the devel-
                         Lands regarding the environmental impact of  opment of Dragon, a natural gas field offshore
                         the project’s drilling plan.         Venezuela.
                                                                Some sources have reported that Venezuela’s
                         DMEA: Uganda to take Hoima FID       national oil company PdVSA will serve as oper-
                         Uganda’s planned 60,000 barrel per day refinery  ator of the project, which targets a section of the
                         at Kabale in Hoima district is expected to begin  maritime boundary line between Trinidad and
                         production by 2025, pending a final investment  Tobago and Venezuela.
                         decision to be made in June.
                           The project is expected to cost around $4bn,  NorthAmOil: Hess to focus on Bakken
                         but a more precise figure will be provided dur-  Hess Corp. will focus more than 80% of a $3.7bn
                         ing the decision-making process.     capital and exploratory budget in 2023 on a four-
                                                              rig drilling programme in the Bakken shale, and
                         EurOil: Europe’s gas withdrawals     also on development in Guyana.
                         European gas consumers sharply increased gas   Net production in the Bakken, in North
                         withdrawals from storage facilities at the end of  Dakota, is forecast to average 165,000-170,000
                         January, more than tripling them versus the level  barrels of oil equivalent per day, said the New
                         in the first half of the month, according to data  York-based exploration and production
                         published by Gas Infrastructure Europe (GIE).  company.™

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                                              receive *NRG Editor’s Picks* for
                                                free by email each week here

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   01•February•2023
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