Page 15 - MEOG Week 05 2023
P. 15

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       than 2.47 million barrels.             Easily recoverable oil wells exist no   to use various methods such as stimulating
         The average price per barrel exceeded   longer in Iran or anywhere else in the world.   the well or using jet pumps to rehabilitate
       $75.96, the statement elaborated.   Nonetheless, given the natural decline in   wells, but among these methods, the
         Iraqi oil exports are loaded by international  the oil recovery of wells, it is necessary to   ultrasonic method is to be used for the first
       companies from ports on the Arabian Gulf   manage wells so as to maximize their current   time in Iran.
       and through the Turkish port of Ceyhan.  pure value. That would become possible only   Mohammad-Reza Jalali, the CEO of a
         The total exports of crude oil during   by applying modern EOR methods. Due to   local knowledge-based company, pointing
       December exceeded 103.28 million barrels   the sanctions imposed on Iran’s petroleum   out that the use of ultrasonic tools to enhance
       with revenues exceeding $7.7bn, according to   industry, local knowledge-based companies   oil recovery has come to fruition for the first
       final statistics issued by SOMO.    are expected to help rehabilitate low-yield   time in the Middle East in Iran, said: “We are
         The Iraqi Ministry of Oil announced   wells.                           currently pursuing the optimization of this
       earlier that oil export revenues for November   Iran has 5,500 oil and gas wells in 400   well-based method because in this method,
       exceeded $8bn, with an average price   hydrocarbon fields. Rehabilitation of low-yield  we receive the wells properties on a phased
       exceeding $82.41 per barrel, while revenues   wells would provide capacity for the supply   basis in order to be able to simulate the well.”
       of oil exports during October were more than   of an annual 80 million barrels of oil with   Referring to his company’s background in
       $9bn.                               minimum investment.                  supplying downhole tools and undertaking
       IRAQI NEWS                             Due to the possibility of rehabilitation of   ultrasonic projects for National Iranian
                                           about 70 idle oil wells by adopting well-scale   Drilling Company (NIDC), Arvandan Oil
       Mothballed oil well                 approaches, one can expect local knowledge-  and Gas Production Company (AOGPC)
                                                                                and NISOC, he said: “The ultrasonic EOR
                                           based firms to enhance output from these
       rehabilitation in Iran              wells by 120 kb/d within five years by   method is more cost-effective than hydraulic
                                                                                fracturing which is high-risk and costs $3-5
                                           investing only €1 billion.
       National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC) has long   Well production investment is one of the   million. By applying the ultrasonic method,
       focused on developing technologies to   quickest and lowest-cost ways of enhancing   higher quality may be achieved by lower costs
       enhance recovery from oil wells.    crude oil production in the world. Oil   and risks.”
         Although sanctions have posed an obstacle   recovery from a new well requires on average   Iran holds 1,200 billion barrels of oil
       in its way, it aims to cut short the way to its   $10 million in investment. But with $1 million   equivalent in 400 oil and gas reservoirs.
       objective by embarking on a quick-yielding   investment in rehabilitation of low-yield wells   Currently, less than 30% of existing
       project for the rehabilitation of low-output   would cut costs by about 90%.   resources could be recovered using available
       and abandoned wells. In this manner, by   Mohammad Hossein Ghazal, deputy   technologies.
       spending much less than drilling new wells,   CEO of National Iranian South Oil Company   A review of the experiences of
       NIOC would be able to enhance its crude oil   (NISOC) for petroleum engineering, said   countries and oil companies in the world
       output.                             rehabilitation of low-yield wells started two   in the implementation of “Inactive Wells
         Without enhancing oil output, no future   years ago, adding: “Since rehabilitation of   Rehabilitation Plan” shows that this plan
       may be envisaged for enhanced oil recovery   some wells requires application of specific   can be quite attractive from an economic
       (EOR) projects. Therefore, the important   technologies, we have to import them first   point of view during the period of declining
       thing would be to enhance production in any   prior to entering the production phase.”  oil revenues and increasing risk of new
       possible manner. Internationally speaking,   “Thirty-three wells have been selected for   discoveries and developments.
       more oil production would empower Iran   the implementation of this project. Among   As a result, considering the limitation of
       to become more influential in the oil market   them are wells that no recovery from which   investment in Iran for the development of
       while remaining resilient to challenges and   has so far taken place. There are also wells   oil fields and maintaining and increasing
       restrictions because in the economic and   with an output of below 1 kb/d which may be   production, this plan could be implemented
       political structure of the world energy, oil   increased,” he said.      in Iran. Of course, expert studies of this
       barrels have the final say.            Iranian knowledge-based companies plan   project have not been presented to media and

       Week 05   01•February•2023               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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