Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2022
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       NFE’s Pennsylvania LNG project paused

        PENNSYLVANIA     NEW Fortress Energy’s (NFE) $800mn LNG  was slated to expire in 2021, but was extended
                         plant in Pennsylvania has been paused, accord-  by state regulators until 2022. Meanwhile, NFE’s
                         ing to environmental groups opposing the  US permit to ship LNG by rail could expire on
                         project.                             November 30 this year.
                           The project, planned for Pennsylvania’s Wya-  The company had planned to liquefy millions
                         lusing Township, is reportedly now in jeopardy.  of gallons of natural gas per day from the Marcel-
                         This comes after a coalition of environmental  lus shale play. It would then have transported the
                         groups consisting of PennFuture, Clean Air  LNG from the Wyalusing plant via truck or train
                         Council and the Sierra Club took legal action and  to a proposed export terminal in Gibbstown,
                         obtained agreement from NFE to allow the pro-  New Jersey, 175 miles (282 km) away. The LNG
                         posed plant’s air quality permit to expire in July.  would have been shipped to overseas customers,
                           The environmental coalition had expressed  predominantly in the Caribbean.
                         worries about air and water pollution near the   With NFE prioritising other energy projects,
                         proposed plant, as well as the risk of an accident  particularly the deployment of floating LNG
                         during truck or train transport to an export  (FLNG) facilities around the world, the Wya-
                         terminal.                            lusing plant has been left on the backburner. In
                           The project is effectively halted because  its renewal application, the company cited the
                         NFE is now required to secure a new air permit  “pandemic, massive supply chain and workforce
                         from the state before it can begin building the  disruptions, and widespread economic and
                         proposed LNG plant. According to settlement  political uncertainties” as reasons for the project
                         documents, NFE could restart the project, but it  being delayed.
                         would be required to begin the state permitting   The settlement has also brought the viability
                         process over again.                  of the Gibbstown export terminal into question.
                           NFE’s existing air quality permit was granted  NFE has yet to publicly comment on its inten-
                         by Pennsylvania regulators in 2019. The permit  tions now for the plant.™

                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Occidental signs deal to sell net-

       zero oil to South Korean refiner

        US-SOUTH         OCCIDENTAL Petroleum announced this  help offset its own emissions, among other
        KOREA            week that it has reached a deal to sell what it  companies.
                         described as net-zero oil to SK Trading Interna-  Until now, production of emissions-free fossil
                         tional, a unit of South Korean refiner SK Innova-  fuels has remained an elusive feat for the energy
                         tion. Under the terms of agreement Occidental  sector. Even if oil companies slash emissions
                         will sell SK up to 200,000 barrels per year of oil  from their own operations and suppliers, oil still
                         over a five-year period beginning in 2025.  releases GHGs when it is burned by end-users,
                           Although oil releases greenhouse gases  with these known as Scope 3 emissions.
                         (GHGs) when burned, Occidental calls the   DAC has been touted as one method of reduc-
       Emissions from the oil   product net-zero oil because the company says  ing, or potentially eliminating, the emissions that
       will be offset using the   it will be able to remove carbon dioxide (CO2)  come from crude. Analysts at Citigroup told
       direct air capture plant   from the atmosphere using a planned direct  Bloomberg that this is the “most exciting part” of
       Occidental is building in   air capture (DAC) facility. The amount of CO2  Occidental’s business and believe it could com-
       the Permian Basin.  removed  through  the  DAC  facility  will  be  prise a significant portion of the company’s stock
                         enough to offset all emissions associated with  valuation over the next decade.
                         that crude’s lifecycle from extraction to con-  “We are pleased to be a part of the world’s
                         sumption, according to the company.  first carbon-emission reduction initiative that
                           Occidental will inject about 100,000 tonnes  is underpinned by processing net-zero oil on a
                         per year (tpy) of captured atmospheric CO2  life-cycle analysis basis,” Suh Sok-won, president
                         into reservoirs in the Permian Basin that it  and CEO of SK Trading, said in a statement.
                         already uses for enhanced oil recovery (EOR).   SK Innovation has vowed to halve its carbon
                         The new facility is expected to open in late 2024  emissions by 2030, with a target of becoming
                         and has also received backing from United  carbon-neutral before 2050 as part of its “Carbon
                         Airlines Holdings, which intends to use it to  to Green” strategy.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   24•March•2022
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