Page 9 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2022
P. 9

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       FxPro: US restrictions on Russian oil

       imports could benefit Mexican economy

        NORTH AMERICA    CYPRUS-BASED FxPro Group Ltd has said that   “Now the replacements [for Russian crude]
                         it expects the Mexican economy to reap benefits  will be Canadian and Mexican, which should
                         in the medium term from the US government’s  benefit production levels and support [the Mex-
                         decision to ban imports of Russian crude oil and  ican peso’s] strength through higher export rev-
                         natural gas.                         enues,” it said.
                           In a market comment published on March   FxPro also noted, though, that the Mexican
                         18, FxPro pointed out that restrictions that  peso had already realised some gains in the short
                         the administration of President Joe Biden has  term, even though it had not had enough time to
                         imposed on Russian oil imports in response  see US refiners make a shift toward buying Mex-
       The ban on Russian oil   to the invasion of Ukraine were likely to leave  ican crude oil.
       imports could lead US   US refineries short of the heavier crudes they   “The Mexican [peso] has added more than
       refiners to look for other   frequently use for feedstocks. The plants have  4% over the last nine days against the US dollar ...
       heavier crude grades,   traditionally used extra-heavy crude or syn-  At first glance, this rally does not seem logical, as
       and both Mexico and   thetic blends from Venezuela, but these have  oil [prices have lost ground] for most of this time,
       Canada are well-  been unavailable since early 2019 because of  hurting oil-exporting Mexico. Nevertheless, in
       positioned to meet the   the sanctions introduced by the administra-  the short term, the [peso] has been steadily gain-
       shortfall.        tion of former President Donald Trump, it  ing ... following signs of a recovery in demand for
                         noted.                               risky assets in global markets,” it said.
                           Russian grades have helped these refiners   FxPro did not say whether it expected
                         compensate for the loss of Venezuelan feedstock,  Mexico’s government to adhere to its pre-
                         but now another substitute will be needed, and  viously announced timetable for reducing
                         Canada and Mexico are the most likely candi-  crude oil exports to zero by the end of 2023 or
                         dates, FxPro said. This is likely to benefit Mexico’s  move forward with more recent suggestions
                         oil industry – and Mexico’s national currency –  to continue delivering oil to world markets for
                         in the medium term, it commented.    a longer time.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Hess to strongly consider

       fourth rig for North Dakota

        NORTH DAKOTA     HESS has revealed it is giving “strong considera-  last week that it made the decision to pay about
                         tion” to adding a fourth drilling rig this year to its  $325mn to remove Brent $105 call options and
                         Bakken operations in North Dakota if oil prices  WTI $100 call options in an attempt to profit
                         remain high. Such a move would push its Bakken  from soaring oil prices.
                         production to 200,000 barrels per day (bpd).  Amid calls for the US to increase crude pro-
                           West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude was  duction as Western countries consider – but thus
                         trading above $113 per barrel on March 25,  far hold back from – banning imports of Russian
                         and the spike in prices has led the company to  oil, US tight oil output is anticipated to rise in
                         consider ramping up drilling. However, despite  April. According to the US Energy Information
                         considering adding a fourth rig, Hess executives  Administration (EIA), oil production from the
                         have said that the company’s priority remains  country’s seven largest shale regions is forecast
                         increasing shareholder returns rather than  to rise by 117,000 bpd between March and April
                         expenditure on production growth.    to reach a total of 8.71mn bpd. If this plays out, it
                           “As our portfolio becomes increasingly cash  would represent the US’ largest increase in shale
                         flow positive, you have our commitment that we  production since March 2020.
                         will prioritise significant increases in our cash   However, supply chain and inflation con-
                         returns to shareholders,” Hess’ CEO, John Hess,  straints are expected to hamper US oil production
                         said at the Scotia Howard Weil Energy Confer-  growth even as prices remain at multi-year highs.
                         ence this week.                      Industry experts project that only single-digit
                           Hess expects to boost cash returns in the  percentage growth is likely this year. The EIA
                         future via increases to its regular dividend, as  estimates that output will hit 12mn bpd in 2022,
                         well as share buybacks. The company revealed  up from 11.6 million bpd in December 2021.™

       Week 12   24•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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