Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 12 2022
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
in the area and is currently drilling another accounting and Payne working with Siouxland on a comprehensive
well on the interest being acquired. The carbon handling solution,” Navigator CEO,
interests currently produce combined revenue Institute Matt Vining comments. “The provided
of approximately $5,500 per month and Verde services will create a day-one economic
is entitled to the cash flow from production Project Canary, the Denver-based climate tech benefit to the facility and surrounding
attributable to the acquisition beginning on and environmental data analytics company, community, while abating almost 100% of
or after March 1, 2022. The acquisition is announced an initiative to add performance Siouxland’s greenhouse gas emissions. The
expected to close on or before April 15, 2022. proof verification of data and operating agreements in place with Siouxland and other
The company continues to build a standards by a Big Four firm and assessment industrial emitters of CO2 are a testament
diversified, revenue producing portfolio of by the Payne Institute at the Colorado School to the broad commitment by industry to
high-quality assets. of Mines. These initiatives are intended decarbonise, and we couldn’t be prouder to
Scott Cox, founder and CEO of Verde, said: to ensure independent verification and play a role in that evolution. We look forward
“We are excited about adding these interests assessment of data and operating standards, to the long-term partnership with Nick
to our portfolio through this acquisition. We meeting the needs of customers that request and his team as we continue expansion of
have been lacking a good Bakken asset in additional assurances about the controls in Heartland Greenway.”
our portfolio and are pleased to have found place at Project Canary. Navigator continues to work with many
this amazing property at a good price point PROJECT CANARY, March 23, 2022 industrial processing plants in the Midwest
and still have the upside of historically high to adopt a more sustainable approach in the
oil prices and the continued development to Navigator CO2 and execution of their businesses and aid in the
come with the property. We are proud to have reduction of their carbon footprints through
built a company which is creative and flexible Siouxland Ethanol execute Heartland Greenway and its related carbon
enough to take advantage of these deals as handling offerings.
they come to market.” long-term agreement for Once fully expanded, the Heartland
“Deals like this continue to highlight our Greenway will be able to capture and
business plan of acquiring minerals and the capture, transportation, sequester 15mn metric tonnes of CO2
royalties and building a diversified, revenue- annually, which, according to EPA estimates,
producing portfolio. We remain focused on and storage of Siouxland is equivalent to eliminating the annual carbon
executing our business plan and creating long- footprint of the Des Moines metro area three
term value for our shareholders. Through Ethanol’s CO2 times over.
our balanced approach of capital raising “Siouxland Ethanol has been a leader
and acquisitions, we are building a dynamic Navigator CO2 Ventures announced today in producing low carbon ethanol since its
company with significant revenue and assets that it has entered into a long-term agreement inception,” said Nick Bowdish, President
and look forward to continuing to build on with Siouxland Ethanol to provide CO2 and CEO of Siouxland Ethanol. “Whether
this through future strategic acquisitions,” Mr. capture, transportation and storage services it be actively capturing methane from the
Cox concluded. on its carbon capture and storage (CCS) neighboring landfill and using it to create
VERDE BIO HOLDINGS, March 24, 2022 system, the Heartland Greenway. process steam for the plant or installing the
The agreement between companies very first dryer exhaust energy recovery
outlines the key terms for Navigator to system, our company is a living example
ENERGY TRANSITION design and install Siouxland’s carbon capture of how to provide real solutions to our
equipment. Once installed, Navigator transportation needs that both lower the
Project Canary adds to will capture, transport, and store up to carbon footprint and are readily available at
235,000 metric tons of Siouxland’s CO2 per
scale today. This agreement with Navigator
independent stature with year, equivalent to the carbon emissions takes our commitment to provide clean
of approximately 51,000 vehicles driven
octane and increases it exponentially.”
third-party assessment annually. Start of operations is expected at the NAVIGATOR CO2 VENTURES, March 23, 2022
beginning of 2025.
of ESG data by Big Four biorefining operators, we are excited to be
“As one of the best-in-class ethanol
Week 12 24•March•2022 www. NEWSBASE .com P13