Page 10 - DMEA Week 13 2022
P. 10
Nyusi president lays first
stone at Temane plant
AFRICA MOZAMBIQUE President Filipe Nyusi has laid Finance Corporation will provide up to $200mn
the first stone of the $2bn natural gas-fired Cen- in a direct loan to CTT, according to a press
tral Termica de Temane (CTT) power plant at release by the US embassy in Mozambique on
Inhassoro, in the south of the country. Monday.
The project will also invovle a 563km-long “The U.S. government, the government of
electricity transmission line from Temane to Mozambique, and other partners worked closely
Maputo and a liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) to get us here today, breaking ground on a pro-
plant. ject that supports Mozambique in its goal to
“From a geo-strategic point of view, the provide every citizen with access to electricity by
energy sector development plan will enable the 2030,” said Chargé d’Affaires of the U.S. Embassy
country to reach simultaneously core objectives to Mozambique Abigail Dressel.
such as energy autonomy, as well as becoming “The Temane energy project is essential to the
a paramount stakeholder of power supply to economic transformation underway in Mozam-
SADC (Southern African Development Com- bique and southern Africa and we’re proud to
munity) member states,” he said. support it.”
The project will provide 30,000 tonnes of LPG The loan, the statement said, will help support
per year and 4,000 barrels per day of light oil. the design, construction, and eventual operation
Construction of the power plant is expected to of the power station. Power Africa, a US govern-
be completed by November 2024 with electricity ment initiative to support the development of
supplies set to begin the following year. energy facilities on the continent, provided EDM
Sasol Petroleum of South Africa, already with an advisor from January 2018 to December
invested in the area, is the operator in the 2020 to support the organisational and technical
onshore project, estimated at 1-1.5 trillion cubic needs of the Temane Transmission Project.
feet of recoverable gas and 30mn-40mn barrels Since 2013, the US government says, the ini-
of liquids. tiative has added more than 13,000MW of elec-
UK’s Globeleq, the largest independent tricity and more than 29mn new connections for
power producer in sub-Saharan Africa and Elec- homes and businesses in Africa.
tricidade de Moçambique (EDM), the national “Power Africa is proud to support the Temane
power utility are the other investors. Transmission Project as it connects more people
The proposed facility will supply electricity to power, opens up cross-border trade oppor-
EDM under a 25-year contract. Neighbouring tunities, strengthens the country’s energy resil-
Zimbabwe and South Africa, as well as Eswatini, ience, and accelerates economic development,”
are possible export markets. said Power Africa coordinator Mark Carrato,
The United States International Development according to the US government statement.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 13 31•March•2022