Page 14 - DMEA Week 13 2022
P. 14

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       new administrative government in Tehran.  happened at one of the filling tanks of the   who rely on the fossil fuel for lighting and
         Condensates accounted for a significant   refinery, was not immediately clear, and   cooking.
       part of Iranian crude oil exports before the   authorities launched a comprehensive   “There is a need to cushion poor
       United States imposed its unilateral sanctions   investigation.          households from high kerosene prices given
       on Iran in 2018.                       The injured have been rushed to nearby   that kerosene is the only fuel product affected
         Shipments declined significantly after   hospitals, the report said.   by the anti-adulteration levy,” Mutoro said in a
       major customers like South Korea stopped   A fire broke out after the explosion and was  proposal submitted to National Treasury and
       imports from Iran to comply with American   extinguished in a short time, it added.  Planning Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yatani.
       sanctions.                             TUPRAS operates four refineries across   The lobby group has called for setting up
         Oil minister Owji says Iran’s crude floating   the country, and the refinery in Kocaeli   strategic oil reserves and putting in place
       storage has been reduced by over 20 million   processes 11.3 million tons of crude oil per   budgetary allocation for buying stock to
       barrels.                            year, accounting for 33 percent of Turkey’s   shield consumers when prices of crude oil and
         That comes as Iran has been facing an   petroleum products consumption.  refined oil products rise by a high margin.
       increased supply of condensate from its   XINHUA                           “If Kenya has storage capacity, would
       South Pars gas field in the Persian Gulf where                           have stored 90-day stocks of cheap oil when
       natural gas production has more than doubled                             price had fallen to $25 a barrel during the
       over the past decade.               FUELS                                coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and
         Owji did not elaborate on more details                                 release it when prices are high to stabilize
       about increased condensate shipments from   Kenya pressured to scrap     market prices,” said COFEK.
       Iran including to where they have been sent.                               It wants a strategic role given to the
         However, unconfirmed reports have   LPG tax                            National Oil Corporation of Kenya (NOCK)
       suggested that private buyers in China have                              and the state-owned enterprise given
       imported large cargoes of Iranian crude in late   The Consumers Federation of Kenya   resources to undertake the mandate with
       2021 and early this year.           (COFEK) is lobbying the government to scrap   capacity enhancement phased over a period
         The minister reiterated his previous   the 16% VAT levied on liquefied petroleum   of time. The rationale is anchored in achieving
       statements about Iran’s success to reduce large   gas (LPG) to make the commodity affordable   security of supply and stable petroleum
       inventories of crude that has been floating on   and help reduce dependence on firewood and   products prices.
       sea since the sanctions were imposed.  charcoal for domestic cooking.    BNE
         He said condensate supply to domestic   LPG is a clean source of energy with
       customers had increased over the past eight   high calorific value while overdependence   Expert blames jet A1
       months, allowing a better management of   on firewood and charcoal for cooking
       crude storage facilities in south of Iran.  is responsible for Kenya’s high rate of   scarcity on malfunctioning
       PRESSTV                             deforestation in water catchment areas,
                                           COFEK argues.                        refineries
                                              “We propose that VAT on LPG be
       REFINING                            abolished, or charged at 8% similar to   The present scarcity of Jet A1 popularity
                                           petroleum products. The purpose of this is to   known as aviation fuel has been blamed on
       At least 4 wounded in oil           remove the burden on ‘Wanjiku’ who rely on   the inability of the government to put the
                                                                                country’s refineries in order.
                                           LPG cooking, and to help increase uptake of
       refinery blast in Turkey            this clean cooking energy,” said COFEK.  operations at the Nigerian Aviation Handling
                                                                                  An aviation expert and a former director of
                                              Wanjiku is a female name among the
       At least four workers were wounded in an   Kikuyu ethnic group but it is also used in   Company (NAHCO), Mr Hurbert Odika
       explosion at an oil refinery in northwest   Kenya in reference to everyday people.   while stating this, also traced the hike in
       Turkey, local media reported on Friday.  COFEK’s proposal came in response to the   airfares to the airlines’ running cost.
         The blast occurred at the Turkish   Treasury recently asking people to comment   Odika explained, that the industry would
       Petroleum Refineries Corporation    on policy and tax measures in the draft   never had witnessed the current economic
       (TUPRAS)’s facility in the Kocaeli province,   2022/23 budget.           predicament caused by the shortage of
       about 100 km to the country’s largest city   Group chief executive Stephen Mutoro said   aviation fuel in the sector if the refineries were
       Istanbul, reported the Ihlas news agency.  an anti-adulteration levy on kerosene needs to   functioning.
         It said the cause of the incident, which   be halved to remove the burden on ‘Wanjiku’   According to Odika: “We will refine here

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