Page 15 - DMEA Week 13 2022
P. 15

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       at cheaper labour cost, no ocean freight to   Odika congratulated the airlines in the   adding that some people will be happier like
       bring back the finished product, no charges in   country for forming an alliance, saying it has   those on the long haul – Yola, Kano – but not
       foreign currency for refining the PMS or AGO  the capacity of keeping domestic airlines alive   on the short flight.
       to return them back to the country. Nigeria at   and provide consumer satisfaction.  While commending the Federal Airports
       the moment is cheating itself”         He said airlines can now transfer   Authority of Nigeria (FAAN) for being able
         Odika while expressing displeasure at   passengers to other airlines and it will help to   to reduce the presence of touts at the nation’s
       how till today no one had explained why the   improve on standards, timing apart from the   airport terminals, he, however, berated the
       refineries were not up and running, lamented   weather, adding that days of sitting endlessly   authority for constructing the new Chinese
       how marketers of diesel were having a swell   at the airport waiting for flights to come were   financed international terminal at the Murtala
       time and therefore, called on the government   over with the alliance    Muhammed International Airport without
       to make the refineries work.           On the fare hike, Odika said it was   considering space for apron and wings span of
         According to him, the oil boom was time-  expected like every other business but   wide-bodied aircraft.
       bound as renewable energy has come to stay   remarked that the hike in Jet A1 sounded   “The new terminal cannot take more
       as the “West was working seriously to ensure   unrealistic to him from N200 to N625 per   than two wide-bodied aircraft at a time at
       that by 2040 renewable energy in Europe will   litre.                    the apron. That will make it less attractive
       form 80 – 90 per cent of their consumption.”  Though Odika said the airlines had   to foreign airlines. It will consequently
         Calling on the Buhari government for   justification to increase fares but condemned   reduce the commercial value of the
       the time left for the oil boom to allow all the   the blanket increase across the nation saying:   terminal, especially at peak periods of airline
       refineries to be made to work and search for   “You don’t charge the same fare for a flight to   operations. To remedy this, the federal
       alternative areas of revenue generation, Odika   Benin that is 35 mins as somebody going to   government has to demolish existing
       said: “Over dependent on oil is time-bound;   Yola or Kano that is over one hour. That is not   structures around the terminal to increase
       20 years maximum for major export that we   realistic”                   apron space.”
       can boost of now. It doesn’t mean that we will   Odika called on the operators to sit down   TRIBUNE
       not sell any more but a limited amount for   and look at each route with the alliance
       Nigeria”.                           formed to adjust their fares accordingly,

       Week 13   31•March•2022                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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