Page 11 - MEOG Week 50 2022
P. 11

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                              foreign companies against plundering energy   sent out several warning messages to the
                                           resources of the war-wracked Arab country,   tanker ship, which had anchored in the port
       Iraqi Oil Ministry to agree         stressing that Sana’a will spare no effort to   of Qena located in the Rudum district of the
                                                                                province, and did not allow the vessel to loot
                                           defend national sovereignty and safeguard
       with Kuwait on joint oil            public interests and wealth.         the Yemeni nation’s natural resources.
                                                                                  A senior member of the political bureau
                                             Ahmed Dares called on multinational oil
       fields                              and gas companies to enter into negotiations   of Yemen’s popular Ansarullah resistance
                                           with the Sana’a government before taking
                                                                                movement has sharply criticized the
       The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Hayan Abdul-  any actions to explore and extract crude oil   December military and security cooperation
       Ghani, said on Monday that Baghdad is   and natural gas in Yemen, and cautioned of   agreement between Yemen’s Saudi-backed
       seeking to reach an agreement with Kuwait   adverse consequences in case the warning is   Presidential Leadership Council and the
       regarding a mechanism to benefit from the   not taken into serious consideration.  United Arab Emirates (UAE), denouncing it
       joint oil fields between the two countries,   “Sana’a will not remain idle in the face of   as a failed attempt aimed at justification of the
       according to Al Qabas newspaper.    any escalation of tensions by the Saudi-led   Abu Dhabi regime’s aggression against Yemen.
         Abdul-Ghani statement took place on the   coalition of aggression in the economic field,”   “The recent military and security
       sidelines of the meeting of the Organization   the Yemeni oil minister noted.  cooperation agreement between the UAE
       of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries   In late October, Yemen’s National Salvation   and Saudi mercenaries could be viewed as
       (OAPEC) held in Kuwait.             Government issued a warning after targeting   an effort in line with the atrocious Saudi-led
         Abdul-Ghani said that there are joint   a cargo ship off an oil terminal in the war-  aggression, and meant to implement its evil
       committees between the two countries to   wrecked country’s south to prevent Saudi-  conspiracies,” Ali al-Qahhoum said.
       study the mechanism of benefiting from the   backed forces from using it for oil exports.  “We tell member states of the Saudi-led
       oil fields located in the border areas.  In a statement, Yemen’s Foreign Ministry   coalition that their plots are all doomed to
         “We hope to reach an agreement on the   also denounced the UN Security Council’s   failure, and Yemeni army troops and security
       joint oil fields between the two countries,”   reaction to the “warning strike” at the al-  forced will hopefully thwart their conspiracies
       Abdul-Ghani stated.                 Dubba terminal, where a Greek oil tanker was   and upset the US, the UK, Saudi Arabia and
         The oil ministers of OAPEC countries   docked to load oil. The statement came after   the UAE,” he added.
       including Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Libya, Iraq,   the council denounced the strike as a serious   Saudi Arabia launched the devastating war
       Qatar, Egypt and Syria, in addition to the   threat to the peace process and stability of   on Yemen in March 2015 in collaboration
       assistant oil ministers of Bahrain, the UAE   Yemen.                     with its Arab allies and with arms and logistics
       and Algeria discussed the situation in energy   The ministry stressed that Yemen will not   support from the US and other Western states.
       markets.                            hesitate to defend national sovereignty, and   The objective was to reinstall the Riyadh-
         Additionally, the Iraqi Minister of Oil was   safeguard public interests and wealth against   friendly regime of Abd Rabbuh Mansour
       elected to assume the presidency of OAPEC   any act of looting or abuse.  Hadi and crush the popular Ansarullah
       in 2023.                              Back in November, Yemeni army troops   resistance movement, which has been running
       IRAQI NEWS                          and allied fighters managed to stop a foreign   state affairs in the absence of a functional
                                           oil tanker in the waters off the energy-rich   government in Yemen.
       Yemeni minister warns               southern Shabwah Province as it was trying to   to meet any of its objectives, the war has
                                                                                  While the Saudi-led coalition has failed
                                           smuggle hundreds of thousands of barrels of
       against resource theft              fuel out of the impoverished Arab nation.  killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis
                                                                                and spawned the world’s worst humanitarian
                                             At that time, Spokesman for Yemeni
       The minister of oil and minerals in Yemen’s   Armed Forces Brigadier General Yahya Saree   crisis.
       National Salvation Government has warned   said in a statement that the country’s forces   PRESS TV

       Week 50   14•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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