Page 9 - MEOG Week 50 2022
P. 9

MEOG                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Iran, China at odds following

       Xi visit to Saudi Arabia

        IRAN/SAUDI       IRAN’S foreign ministry on December 10 took   China and Iran last year signed a 25-year
                         the rare move of summoning China’s ambassa-  cooperation agreement last year, seen as a
                         dor to Tehran after Beijing issued a joint state-  roadmap to potentially massive investments
                         ment with Arab states that controversially dealt  worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Progress
                         with the matter of three long-disputed islands in  on realising any of the investments, however, is
                         the Strait of Hormuz.                slow.
                           Though there was clear anger in Tehran at   They issued a joint statement, which con-
                         the move, Iran’s leadership was obviously tak-  tained several clauses that directly dealt with
                         ing pains not to upset China with its response  Iranian affairs, its nuclear programme, and its
                         to the statement—instead of announcing that  regional activities.
                         it was “summoning” the Chinese envoy, the   The statement signed by Xi and his GCC
                         Iranian foreign ministry said the ambassador  counterparts also referred to ensuring the peace-
                         “had a visit” with a foreign ministry official, dur-  ful and civilian nature of the Iranian nuclear pro-
                         ing which Tehran’s “strong dissatisfaction” was  gramme and called on Tehran to fully cooperate
                         conveyed.                            with the International Atomic Energy Agency
                           The controversy blew up as Chinese Pres-  (IAEA). On December 11, Saudi Arabia’s top
                         ident Xi Jinping visited Iran’s arch-rival Saudi  diplomat remarked that “all bets are off” if Iran
                         Arabia on December 9. He also met leaders of  “gets an operational nuclear weapon”.
                         the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.   China and the GCC member states also in the
                         Tehran was observing the visit like a hawk as Iran  statement referred to the need for dialogue on
                         and Saudi Arabia are competitors when it comes  Iran’s “destabilising regional activities” and “sup-
                         to the provision of huge volumes of crude oil to  port for terrorist and sectarian groups and illegal
                         Beijing.                             armed organisations”.
                           The bone of contention unearthed by the   Iranian foreign ministry spokesman Nasser
                         Chinese-Arab joint statement is the ownership  Kanani registered “surprise” at how the state-
                         of the islands of Greater Tunb, Lesser Tunb and  ment included the Iran-related clauses.
                         Abu Musa, governed by Iran since 1971 but   Xi’s visit was partly arranged for the first Chi-
                         claimed by the UAE.                  na-Arab States Summit and the China-GCC
                           It was in 1971 that the then-shah of Iran  Summit.
                         dispatched the Iranian royal navy to the three   During his stay in Saudi Arabia, Xi also held
                         islands after the British withdrew their armed  bilateral meetings with nearly 20 Arab leaders.
                         forces from territories that are today the UAE.   As anger grew in Iran over the outcome of
                         Iran has ever since rejected statements from  Xi’s visit, Iranian newspapers hit out at China.
                         Emirati leaders that the islands belong to the  Ham-Mihan headlined an article, “China’s Turn-
                         UAE. The inhabitants of the islands are all Per-  around on Iran”.
                         sian-speaking Arabs who use the Bandari dialect   The daily Aftab was no less scathing about
                         of Persian, which is infused with Arabic words  the Chinese. It published images of protesters
                         and syntax.                          in China, asking “Did the Chinese government
                           Xi and the GCC leaders signed a statement  hear the voice of the protesters?”
                         that urged “bilateral negotiations in accordance   Reformist Etemad on December 11 asked,
                         with the rules of international law, and to resolve  “What is China’s plan for the Middle East?”
                         this issue [over the sovereignty of the islands] in  Later on December 11, Iran’s National Security
                         accordance with international legitimacy”. In  Committee said “China’s interference in Iran’s
                         signing the statement, China crossed a red line  internal affairs conflicts with good international
                         in Iran’s eyes as Tehran’s standpoint remains that  cooperation.”
                         it will not countenance any talks on the islands.  China’s government-controlled Global
                           Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Ab-  Times on December 12 declared that Xi’s visit to
                         dollahian asserted in a tweet that the islands were  Saudi Arabia opened a new chapter of relations
                         “inseparable parts of Iran’s pure soil”.   between the Arabs and the Chinese.
                           But he ran into social media criticism for   Chinese media were generally very upbeat
                         not naming China in his observations and for  about the new relations between the GCC and
                         only writing in Farsi, whereas in the past he has  Beijing, predicting the Arabs and Chinese would
                         tweeted both in Farsi and in Chinese in support  boost their cooperation in multiple fields over
                         of China’s territorial integrity.    the next few months and years.™

       Week 50   14•December•2022               www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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