Page 5 - MEOG Week 50 2022
P. 5

MEOG                                         COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

                                                                                                  Source: Wood

                         operations began in August last year on the first  quotas while maintaining spare capacity.
                         pipeline from the PNZ’s al-Khafji field, with 24   The Permanent Joint Committee for the PNZ,
                         mmcf (680,000 cubic metres) of gas piped to  also known as the divided zone, is comprised of
                         the company’s networks in Kuwait. The com-  officials from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Oil (MoO)
                         pany reported that operating the conduit would  and the Saudi Ministry of Energy. The meeting
                         “boost optimum use of the petroleum resources”  was held at the head office of the Wafra Joint
                         in the PNZ while meeting “local needs for gas,  Operations (WJO) company.
                         particularly at peak consumption times”.  KGOC represents the country’s interests in
                           The deal is sure to elicit a response from  WJO area, while Saudi Arabian Chevron (SAC)
                         Iran, whose foreign ministry claimed the March  carries out work on behalf of Saudi Arabia and its
                         agreement was illegal given that part of the  NOC Saudi Aramco.
                         Dorra deposit is the Arash field which lies within   MoO undersecretary Dr. Nimir Al-Sabah
                         Iran’s borders.                      was quoted by KUNA as saying that the meet-
                           “The oil ministry has seen necessary prepara-  ing comes at a ‘crucial time’ in the development
                         tions and carried out studies to develop and use  of the onshore Wafra and offshore Al-Khafji
                         the shared field of Arash,” said Ahmad Asadza-  oilfields, output from which has been ramping
                         deh, Deputy Oil Minister for International and  up since a December 2019 agreement that broke
                         Commercial Affairs.                  years of deadlock.
                           “The reason to have delayed using this shared   At capacity, the fields can produce around
                         field was pending decision in demarcation dis-  550,000 bpd – Al-Khafji 300,000 bpd and Wafra
                         putes with Kuwait. But given that the other side,  250,000 bpd. Production is shared 50:50 by the
                         regardless of the previous talks and unilaterally,  two countries.
                         moves to develop the field, there is no reason for   The fields were shut in because of disagree-
                         delay,” Asadzadeh said.              ments between the two governments in 2014
                           Even without a demarcation of the field’s bor-  and then in 2015. Following the 2019 agreement,
                         ders, it would be feasible for all three countries to  output increased to around 270,000 bpd by the
                         work together on development, he was also cited  end of 2021 and the partners are working to
                         as saying, adding: “The oil ministry expresses its  expand, with Kuwaiti officials last year announc-
                         readiness for talks in this regard.”  ing ambitious though loose plans to reach a com-
                           Iran started talks with Kuwait in 2000 to  bined output of 700,000 bpd.
                         develop the field but no agreements were   Al-Sabah highlighted efforts to streamline
                         reached. Arash was discovered in 1962. It is esti-  administrative, operating and safety procedures
                         mated to hold around 13 trillion cubic feet (368  and the importance of regular meetings in facil-
                         bcm) of natural gas.                 itating collaboration on the projects. The Saudi
                                                              delegation was led by Saudi Assistant Energy
                         Fast-track                           Minister Mohammad Al-Brahim.
                         In June, Kuwait-Saudi working group focused on   Kuwait has a target of increasing oil produc-
                         the development of joint oil and gas projects met  tion capacity from around 2.8mn bpd to 3.5mn
                         this week to discuss the acceleration of efforts in  bpd by 2025 and to 4mn bpd a decade later. Saudi
                         the PNZ.                             Arabia is working to expand its maximum sus-
                           The expansion of production from the shared  tainable capacity (MSC) from 12.2mn bpd to
                         on- and offshore assets comes as both countries  13mn bpd by 2027.
                         work to raise total domestic oil capacity and   This figure is seen reaching 13.4mn bpd
                         come under pressure to meet higher OPEC+  including output from the PNZ.™

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