Page 11 - LatAmOil Week 35 2021
P. 11

LatAmOil                                         BRAZIL                                            LatAmOil

       Petrobras under pressure to exclude

       14 blocks from 17th Bidding Round

                         BRAZIL’S national oil company (NOC) Petro-  2019 that they were reviewing the legality of the
                         bras has been asked by a group of shareholders   government’s decision to include blocks adja-
                         to eliminate more than a dozen offshore blocks   cent to the Abrolhos archipelago in a previous
                         from the roster of sites included in the 17th Bid-  licensing round. Because of the legal dispute, the
                         ding Round, a set of auctions scheduled to take   blocks in question failed to draw any bids.
                         place on October 7.                    As of press time, the NOC had not responded
                           The group in question is Anapetro, an associ-  to Anapetro’s letter. Petrobras has already
                         ation formed by Petrobras employees who own   received expressions of interest (EoIs) in the
                         stock in the NOC. In a public letter, the associ-  17th Bidding Round from a number of interna-
                         ation urged Petrobras to reduce the number of   tional oil companies (IOCs), including Chevron
                         offshore blocks in the 17th Bidding Round from   (US), Ecopetrol (Colombia), Karoon Energy
                         92 to 78.                            (Australia), Murphy Oil (US), Royal Dutch Shell
                           It explained its request by noting that it had   (UK/Netherlands) and TotalEnergies (France).
                         singled out 14 blocks that lie within environ-  The upcoming bidding round covers 92
                         mentally sensitive areas. These areas include the   blocks in four separate sedimentary basins –
                         Abrolhos archipelago, which is home to many   Campos, Pelotas, Potiguar and Santos. ™
                         coral reefs, and the Fernando de Noronho archi-
                         pelago, they said. (The Fernando de Noronho
                         islands lie within the Potiguar basin, off Brazil’s
                         north-eastern Pernambuco State, while the
                         Abrolhos islands lie offshore Bahia State in the
                         Campos basin.)
                           The letter quoted Mario Dal Zot, the presi-
                         dent of Anapetro and the head of judicial affairs
                         at Brazil Oil and Gas Workers Unified Feder-
                         ation (FUP), the country’s largest union of oil
                         workers, as saying that Petrobras did not have a
                         strong enough justification for including these
                         14 blocks in the auctions. “Participating in this
                         auction is reckless, given its judicial and envi-
                         ronmental fragility and also the effective risk to
                         Petrobras’ image,” he said.
                           Dal Zot’s mention of judicial challenges to
                         the bidding round may have been a reference to
                         Brazilian federal prosecutors’ announcement in   Anapetro wants Petrobras not to sell some blocks in the Potiguar basin (Image: ANP)

       EIG makes binding offer for TBG, TSB pipes

                         EIG Global Energy Partners, a US-based private   Petrobras. The offer from the US firm is worth
                         equity firm, has reportedly submitted a binding   several hundred million dollars, the source said.
                         offer for two natural gas pipeline operators in   EIG  had submitted non-binding offers
                         Brazil.                              for both TBG and TSB in May of this year, as
                           A source with direct knowledge of the mat-  part of a consortium that also included Cana-
                         ter told Reuters last week that EIG was seeking   da’s Enbridge and the Belgian independent gas
                         to acquire Transportadora Brasileira Gasoduto   infrastructure group Fluxys. But the binding
                         Bolivia-Brasil (TBG), the operator of the Gas-  offer submitted last week came from EIG alone,
                         bol pipeline used to import gas from Bolivia,   rather than the consortium, Reuters’ source
                         and Transportadora Sulbrasileira de Gás (TSB),   noted. He also said, though, that the private
                         the operator of a gas transport network serving   equity company was still in discussions with the
                         southern Brazil. Both pipelines are currently   consortium partners over potential investment
                         owned by the national oil company (NOC)   and involvement in the assets.

       Week 35   02•September•2021              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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