Page 14 - LatAmOil Week 35 2021
P. 14

LatAmOil                                     NEWS IN BRIEF                                          LatAmOil

       UPSTREAM                            Saffron-2, the Company has begun investigat-  Stock Exchange and it is expected that admis-
                                           ing options for a farm-out of the Saffron project,  sion will take place on or around September 6,
       Challenger Energy issues            which, if achieved, would present a fundamen-  2021 at 08:00 a.m. Following admission of the
                                                                                New Shares, BPC’s issued share capital will con-
                                           tally different approach and risk profile for devel-
       Saffron project update              opment of the project than has been considered  sist of 796,522,914 ordinary shares, with each
                                           to-date. It has also begun investigating various  ordinary share carrying the right to one vote.
       AIM-listed Challenger Energy, the Caribbean  Reserve Based Lending options, as a potential  The Company does not hold any ordinary shares
       and Atlantic margin-focused oil and gas com-  debt component of any project funding plan.  in treasury. This figure of 796,522,914 ordinary
       pany, with production, appraisal, development   The Company has previously advised of  shares may therefore be used by shareholders in
       and exploration assets across the region, has  GBP3mn drawn under its Conditional Convert-  the Company, as the denominator for the calcu-
       provided an update in relation to the ongoing  ible Note facility, of which GBP2.5mn was sub-  lations by which they will determine if they are
       clean-up of the Saffron-2 appraisal well, as well  sequently converted to equity with GBP500,000  required to notify their interest in, or a change
       as the timing and funding plans for the develop-  outstanding (repayable in April 2023 if not con-  in their interest in, the share capital of the Com-
       ment of the field.                  verted prior). A further GBP2mn of Convertible  pany under the FCA’s Disclosure Guidance and
         The Saffron-2 well production off-take con-  Notes became available to the Company on an  Transparency Rules.
       tinues to be optimised as the well cleans up over  unconditional basis on June 14, 2021. Pending   CEO Eytan Uliel commented: “On August
       a range of reservoir zones. All production cur-  the results of the Saffron-2 well the Company  25, 2021, Challenger Energy advised of initial
       rently emanates solely from the Middle Cruse  elected not to avail of this funding and has  production test results at the Saffron-2 appraisal
       reservoirs. The Company plans to continue  managed working capital needs and reduced  well in Trinidad’s South West Peninsula. Testing
       clean-up operations and to perforate and pro-  overhead costs materially so to avoid the costs  is ongoing, but we have since received queries
       duction test additional zones, so as to continue  associated with draw-down under this facility  as to the implication of the well results so far for
       to develop the technical understanding of the  (and given that, if drawn, funds would be sen-  the project as a whole, in response to which I’d
       field’s production capacity whilst at the same  ior secured and thus would in any case need to  make two general comments: one, Saffron-2 has
       time maximising revenues and cashflow being  be immediately repaid in the event of any other  told us that a project at Saffron is likely viable,
       generated by the Saffron-2 well. A further update  funding being secured). In the absence of immi-  but two, it will not look the same as the project
       as to ongoing production rates will be provided  nent Saffron development drilling, and in view  we had envisaged pre-drill. Specifically, we now
       in due course.                      of other funding alternatives currently being  know that a project based solely on shallower,
         With Saffron-2 having proved the presence  considered, the Company does not at this time  cheaper wells targeting just the Middle Cruse
       of moveable hydrocarbons in the Lower Cruse  expect to issue any further Convertible Notes  can stand on its own, and we are working on
       reservoirs, the Company considers that these  under this facility, which otherwise expired in  revising technical models and development
       reservoirs can ultimately contribute toward pro-  July 2021.             plans accordingly. We also now know that there
       duction, both at Saffron-2 and in future Saffron   The Company further notes that it will  are moveable hydrocarbons in the Lower Cruse,
       wells (once engineering solutions to technical  be issuing 2,270,522 new ordinary shares in  although more work is needed to figure out how
       issues encountered in drilling and producing  aggregate (representing less than 0.025% of  to get sustained production from those zones,
       deeper Saffron-2 zones are implemented). As  the total shares in issues), to certain advisors  which has the potential to then expand the scope
       noted, no production from the Lower Cruse is  of the Company in settlement of fees owing as  of any development over time. And finally, what
       currently contributing to overall well production  well as to some legacy creditors in Trinidad in  we have learned from Saffron-2 will allow us
       rates.                              full settlement of amounts owing, with 1.2mn  to systematically revisit all available financing
         Based on current production rates from Saff-  unlisted warrants issued alongside, to subscribe  options, plus there is a body of work to be done
       fon-2, the Company considers a development of  for new Ordinary Shares at GBP0.035 per share,  in terms of updating relevant regulatory and
       the Saffron field can be justified economically,  valid for a period of 48 months. Application has  planning requirements. The important point is
       even without assuming production contribu-  been made for the New Shares to be admitted  that based on the results of Saffron-2 we believe
       tion from the Lower Cruse (and noting that  to trading on the AIM market of the London  Saffron is a commercial project, and so we are
       development wells targeting only the shallower                           doing the work needed to advance to a develop-
       reservoirs will be more cost effective and quicker                       ment as soon as possible, until which time we
       to drill than that experienced to date across the                        will continue to maximise cashflow from the
       Saffron field).                                                          Saffron-2 well itself. We will keep shareholders
         In this context, work is underway to incor-                            appraised of developments.’
       porate the results of Saffron-2 into an updated                          Challenger Energy, September 2 2021
       geological and reservoir model leading to a
       revised forward development plan for the Saf-
       fron field (and associated revised permitting and                        MIDSTREAM
       approvals). Subject to approval of a revised field
       development plan the Company is now target-                              Echo Energy announces
       ing a development of Saffron to commence in
       H1-2022.                                                                 operational update
         The Company and Arena Investors LP con-
       tinue to discuss funding options for a Saffron                           Echo Energy, the Latin American focused
       field development, with those discussions to be                          upstream oil and gas company, has provided
       further advanced once the revised development                            an operational update regarding its Santa Cruz
       plan for the Saffron field is finalised.                                 Sur assets, onshore Argentina, for Q3-2021 until
         In parallel, based on the outcomes of                                  August 23, 2021.

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 35   02•September•2021
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