Page 4 - LatAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 4

LatAmOil                                      COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                                                                                                         (Image: Pemex)
       AMLO’s energy agenda

       moves ahead in Congress

       Legislators approve measures that are likely to give Pemex more control over the downstream sector

                         MEXICAN President Andres Manuel Lopez   rule adopted in 2014 that obligates the Energy
                         Obrador’s campaign to ensure that state-run   Regulatory Commission (CRE) to give private
       WHAT:             companies continue to dominate the energy sec-  companies extra advantages with respect to the
       Two of the president’s   tor has made several important advances over   sale of fuels produced by Pemex’s refineries. The
       legislative initiatives have   the last two weeks.     rule, known as the asymmetric regulation, is
       made progress over the   On April 14, members of the lower house   designed to promote competition in the down-
       last two weeks.   of Mexico’s Congress voted 271-134, with   stream sector.
                         eight abstentions, to approve legislation that is   The first measure, which took the form of
       WHY:              expected to have the effect of giving the national   revisions to Mexico’s oil law, has already cleared
       Both of the measures   oil company (NOC) Pemex more control over   the Senate. On April 22, members of the upper
       are in line with efforts   petroleum product sales. The bill, which was   chamber voted to pass it by a 65-47 margin, with
       to ensure that state-  submitted to lawmakers by the presidential   six abstentions.
       owned Pemex retains its
       dominant position in the   administration earlier this month, gives the   The second measure, which also consisted of
       oil sector.       government the power to suspend the licences   revisions to the oil law, has not reached the floor
                         of fuel sellers in the event of a threat to national   of the Senate yet. However, there is every reason
       WHAT NEXT:        security, energy security or the Mexican econ-  to believe it will pass once it comes up for a vote.
       The anti-trust agency   omy. It also calls for allowing Pemex to take con-  Lopez Obrador’s Morena party has a majority
       and Supreme Court may   trol of companies whose licences are suspended.  in the upper chamber, so more than half of the
       challenge the bills.  Then on April 21, members of the lower   senators are likely to endorse his efforts to secure
                         house voted 301-147, with two abstentions, in   Pemex’s privileges.
                         favour of another bill submitted by the presiden-  As a result, Mexico’s oil and gas sector
                         tial administration. This legislation eliminates a   appears to be heading for some changes.

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