Page 8 - LatAmOil Week 16 2021
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LatAmOil GUYANA LatAmOil
“Our joint venture with CGX represents a sig- “We have exciting exploration plans for the
nificant growth opportunity for both companies Kawa-1 and Makarapan-1 wells on the Cor-
and is rooted in a commitment to the Guyanese entyne and Demerara blocks and, [just] as
government to develop these world-class assets importantly, we are developing the infrastruc-
with a focus on local engagement and the devel- ture necessary to support and enhance broader
opment of infrastructure,” he said. “Completing energy and trade industry activity through the
the loan agreement with CGX is an important Berbice Deepwater Port project,” he said. “We
step forward.” look forward to executing on our programmes
Cabrales also noted that Frontera and CGX and creating value and opportunity for our
were still “firmly on track” to spud Kawa-1, their stakeholders.”
first well at the Corentyne block in Guyana’s off- CGX and Frontera are working together at
shore zone, in the second half of this year. two blocks in Guyana’s offshore zone, Demerara
Professor Suresh Narine, the executive and Corentyne. The Canadian companies have
co-chairman of CGX, also mentioned the com- not yet made any large-scale commercial discov-
panies’ drilling plans, saying: “These are exciting eries at these sites, but they have indicated that
times for CGX, the joint venture and our stake- they will make the Berbice port facility available
holders as we get closer to spudding Kawa-1.” to oil companies involved in separate projects
Narine continued by referring to the part- offshore Guyana and its neighbour to the east,
ners’ other projects. Suriname.
ExxonMobil is using the Liza Destiny FPSO to develop Liza-1 (Photo: SBM Offshore)
ExxonMobil mulling repair options for
Liza Destiny FPSO’s discharge silencer
EXXONMOBIL Guyana, a subsidiary of the US the discovery of leaks in late January. It had
super-major ExxonMobil, is working to deter- brought production levels down to 30,000 bar-
mine the scope of additional repairs needed rels per day during the repair process, but the
for an associated gas compression system on field is now moving closer to its peak capacity of
the Liza Destiny, the floating production, stor- 120,000 bpd and gas flaring has been reduced,
age and off-loading (FPSO) vessel it is using to according to Janelle Persaud, ExxonMobil Guy-
develop the Liza-1 oilfield. ana’s public and government affairs advisor.
Earlier this week, ExxonMobil Guyana said “We have begun to slowly ramp up produc-
it had removed the discharge silencer from the tion to between 100,000-110,000 bpd at a flare
gas compression system to assess its condition. level of no more than 15mn cubic feet [424,800
The process of repairing and replacing the unit cubic metres] of gas per day,” Persaud said.
is likely to take “approximately three months,” “These operating parameters were defined after
it said. careful consideration of safety, environmental,
In the meantime, the company is ramping technical and economic factors, as well as dis-
output back up at Liza-1 after completing the cussions with the relevant government agen-
re-installation of the system’s flash gas compres- cies on the best path forward while repairs and
sor (FGC), which had to be repaired following upgrades are ongoing.”
P8 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 16 22•April•2021