Page 5 - LatAmOil Week 16 2021
P. 5

LatAmOil                                     COMMENTARY                                            LatAmOil

                         Concerns about “subjectivity”        necessary – that it has already served its purpose,
                         According to the presidential administration,   since private-sector retailers have now estab-
                         the first set of changes – that is, those envisioned   lished a foothold in the downstream sector, and
                         in the legislation that cleared the lower chamber   is now superfluous.
                         on April 14 and the upper chamber on April 22   This argument is, at best, a stretch. The asym-
                         – will serve to rein in corruption.  metric regulation was designed to trim Pemex’s
                           Energy Secretary Rocio Nahle stressed this   share of Mexico’s domestic fuel market back to
                         point several weeks ago, writing in response to   no more than 70%, and that has not happened.
                         questions from the Bloomberg news agency that   The NOC has seen its market share drop by
                         the government wanted to make sure that all fuel   more than 10% since the adoption of this rule,
                         sellers treat customers fairly. More specifically,   but it still accounts for a super-majority of the
                         she said that the bill would “allow us to cancel   country’s fuel sales. Moreover, it is hardly likely
                         permits in which illegal acts have been commit-  to lose its edge now that it is facing one less
                         ted, as well as gas stations that commit crimes   restraint.               Mexico’s anti-
                         or speculate.”                         As such, the government’s insistence that
                           She indicated that officials in Mexico City   there is no longer a need to keep Pemex in check  trust agency has
                         had good reasons to be concerned about fraud   seems disingenuous. Even so, the presidential   not always been
                         and price-gouging in the downstream sector,   administration will probably carry the day once
                         citing reports of retailers that were using govern-  the second measure passes in the Senate.  sympathetic to
                         ment subsidies not for their intended purpose of
                         bringing fuel prices down but to enrich them-  Possible legal fight        the president’s
                         selves. “There’s a fiscal stimulus maintained by   Even so, it may encounter some challenges on
                         the Finance Ministry at this time, and there are   the way to adoption and enforcement of the new  position on state
                         some gasoline retailers that absorb the stimulus,   policies.             dominance in the
                         increasing their profit margins considerably,”   It is worth noting that the laws will be subject
                         she told Bloomberg. “We are going to review   to the review of Cofece, the Mexican govern-  energy sector
                         their permits and act accordingly.”  ment’s anti-trust agency, which has not always
                           Nahle did try to give the impression that the   been sympathetic to the president’s position on
                         permit review process would be impartial and   state dominance in the energy sector. Last June,
                         would only target fuel sellers involved in ille-  Cofece referred a newly passed law designed
                         gal or questionable activities. However, some   to give Federal Electricity Commission (CFE)
                         observers have expressed worry about the pos-  precedence over private-sector players in the
                         sibility that Mexico City will use the new pol-  domestic electricity market to the Supreme
                         icy either to punish firms that have fallen out of   Court.
                         favour or to give Pemex an insurmountable edge   The court then struck down the legislation,
                         over all possible competitors.       on the grounds that it gave an “exclusive and
                           Onexpo, an industry association represent-  unfair advantage” to the state-owned power
                         ing the country’s fuel retailers, offered criticism   provider. In its ruling, it said that the policy
                         along those lines. In late March, it said it feared   favoured by the president “contravenes consti-
                         that the government might let “subjectivity”   tutional rights to competition and a free electric-
                         guide decisions on whether to suspend fuel   ity generation and supply market, particularly in
                         retailers’ permits. It also argued that the pro-  intermittent clean energy.”
                         posed measure went against Mexico’s constitu-  Neither of the bills discussed here have
                         tion and has noted several times this month that   reached the point of being subject to similar
                         its members were looking into legal options for   review by Cofece. But if they move forward, the
                         defending their right to sell petroleum products.  Supreme Court may find itself in the position
                                                              of issuing another challenge to Lopez Obrador’s
                         Arguments against asymmetry          campaign in favour of state-run companies in
                         The second set of changes – that is, those envi-  the energy sector. ™
                         sioned in the bill that cleared the lower chamber
                         of Congress on April 21 – also raise questions
                         about subjectivity.
                           After all, the bill is very much in line with
                         the president’s stated wish to see Pemex domi-
                         nate the oil sector, as it aims to eliminate a rule
                         that prevents the NOC from ever taking the
                         first place in line for fuel sales. It has, therefore,
                         spurred concerns about whether the company,
                         which is still the largest player in the domestic
                         petroleum product market, will use its influ-
                         ence to ensure that it is always first in line – and,
                         therefore, the only seller never to experience
                         concerns about supplies.
                           The Mexican government appears to have
                         anticipated criticism along those lines. It has
                         justified the lifting of the asymmetric regula-  Lopez Obrador (C) and Nahle (L), seen visiting a
                         tion by declaring that the measure is no longer   Pemex facility in 2019 (Photo:

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