Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       ConocoPhillips’ Willow project

       approved, more of Arctic off-

       limits to oil leasing

       The Biden administration has approved a scaled-down version of ConocoPhillips’

       Willow project while making more of the US Arctic off-limits to drilling

        ALASKA           THE administration of US President Joe Biden  9.2mn tonnes per year (tpy) of GHG emissions.
                         has approved a scaled-back version of Cono-  However, concern over emissions from the
       WHAT:             coPhillips’ $7bn Willow project in Alaska, the  project was outweighed by the administration’s
       A scaled-back version   US Department of Interior (DoI) said on March  drive to raise domestic energy production, cre-
       of ConocoPhillips’ $7bn   13. As a compromise, the administration put  ate jobs and boost energy security.
       Willow project has been   more of the US Arctic off-limits to oil and gas   The approval was welcomed by some.
       approved by the Biden   drilling at the same time.      “This was the right decision for Alaska and
       administration.     Nonetheless, there is opposition to Willow  our nation,” said ConocoPhillips’s CEO, Ryan
                         going ahead, unsurprisingly. At least two law-  Lance. The company had already accepted that
       WHY:              suits have already been filed by critics of the  it would have to proceed with the scaled-back
       Biden has been under   project, seeking to halt it. Indeed, environmen-  version of Willow.
       pressure because of high   talists had lobbied hard to prevent the project’s   “Willow fits within the Biden administration’s
       gasoline prices and from   approval, saying that for Biden to green-light  priorities on environmental and social justice,
       the bipartisan Alaska   Willow would contravene his climate and clean  facilitating the energy transition and enhanc-
       Congressional delegation,   energy ambitions.          ing our energy security, all while creating good
       and ConocoPhillips would   The DoI has approved a version of the Willow  union jobs and providing benefits to Alaska
       also likely have contested   project with just three drill sites. ConocoPhil-  Native communities,” continued Lance.
       a rejection.      lips had proposed up to five drill pads and roads   “This will mean jobs and revenue for Alaska,”
                         and pipelines. This came after the DoI had pre-  said US Senator for Alaska Lisa Murkowski,
       WHAT NEXT:        viously said the three-pad version was the pref-  a Republican, who had lobbied hard for the
       The Biden administration   erable option because of the project’s projected  project.
       has also made more of   greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.  “I feel the people of Alaska have been heard,”   The DoI has
       the US Arctic off-limits to   When Biden campaigned for the US pres-  US Congresswoman Mary Peltola, a newly
       drilling for oil and gas.  idency, he pledged to end oil and gas drilling  elected  Democrat  and  Alaska  Native,  told   approved a
                         on federal land. And earlier this month, White  reporters. “The state of Alaska cannot carry the   version of the
                         House officials had even circulated proposals for  burden of solving our global warming issues
                         Willow with two pads, not three. The approval  alone.”                     Willow project
                         therefore represents a better outcome for Cono-  Most indigenous tribes support the project,
                         coPhillips than the company might have seen.  which backers estimate will create around 2,500   with just three
                         Indeed, it appears to be an attempt to strike a  jobs and up to $17bn in federal revenue.
                         balance between Biden’s environmental goals   Meanwhile, ConocoPhillips in return has   drill sites.
                         and calls for higher domestic production for the  agreed to give up its rights to around 68,000
                         sake of energy security.             acres (275 square km) in the NPR-A.

                         New production                       Restrictions
                         ConocoPhillips has said that the Willow pro-  The DoI also will issue a rule-making to restrict
                         ject, which is located on the North Slope in the  future oil and gas development in the NPR-A
                         National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), is  by considering extra protections for “ecologi-
                         expected to produce an estimated 180,000 bar-  cally sensitive” designated special areas covering
                         rels per day (bpd) of oil at its peak  13mn acres (52,609 square km). This includes
                           The Biden administration has estimated that  Colville River, Kasegaluk Lagoon Peard Bay,
                         burning the oil extracted from Willow – 600mn  Teshekpuk Lake and the Utukok Uplands spe-
                         barrels of crude over 30 years – would result in  cial areas.

       P4                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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