Page 7 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 7

NorthAmOil                                   COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  Qilak LNG would be
                                                                                                  supplied with feed gas
                                                                                                  from the Point Thomson

                         weighted legs that support offshore platforms.  inside and outside Japan, as well as firms that
                         The structure would be linked to the shore by a  can help us reduce the carbon footprint of the
                         6-mile (9.6-km) pipeline.            project,” Treadwell stated.
                           A target of three to five tankers per month   Meanwhile, Qilak still must choose firms
                         would be delivered to Asia, although Japan’s  for engineering, procurement and construc-
                         LNG terminals could be used for tranship-  tion (EPC), in addition to shipping. However,
                         ment further afield. Qilak would also use Arc7  Treadwell did indicate that Nana Worley and
                         tankers, since they are able to seal in the Arctic  Aker Arctic Technology are likely to handle the   Capitalising on
                         waters.                              feasibility study.
                                                               “If we stay on schedule then the feasibility   its geographic
                         Long runway ahead                    study would be done this year and with front-  location, Qilak
                         Demand for LNG in Asia has always been  end engineering design [FEED] in 2024,” he
                         strong, with Japan, China, and South Korea  said. Depending on a number of conditions, a   believes it can
                         assuming the top three positions last year. More-  final investment decision (FID) could be made
                         over, a handful of other Asian countries are set  in 2025, with the launch of the terminal by 2030. produce LNG at a
                         to become LNG importers in the next couple   The US Arctic possesses proven gas reserves
                         years, including the Philippines, Vietnam and Sri  of 920bn cubic metres; however, developers are   lower cost than
                         Lanka. However, despite Asia’s growing appetite  getting mixed signals from the Biden adminis-  Yamal LNG.
                         for LNG, imports of the super-chilled fuel from  tration. On March 6, President Biden gave for-
                         Qilak’s proposed terminal likely will not occur  mal approval for ConocoPhillips’ $8bn Willow
                         until the end of the decade.         oil project. (See previous story) However, on
                           A heads of agreement (HoA) deal has been  March 13 the administration withdrew 2.8mn
                         signed with ExxonMobil Alaska Production  acres (11,331 square km) from consideration
                         to supply 560mn standard cubic feet (15.9mn  for leasing in the Beaufort Sea, while the Inte-
                         cubic metres) per day of gas from the Point  rior Department has recently said it will block
                         Thomson field to the Qilak project.  oil and gas leases for over 13mn acres (52,609
                           The company is currently working together  square km) of the 23mn acres (93,078 square
                         with investment bank Lazard to attract financ-  km) that comprise the National Petroleum
                         ing. “We are speaking to potential investors  Reserve–Alaska (NPR-A).™

       Week 11   16•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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