Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Ottawa orders Imperial to halt

       leak at Kearl oil sands mine

        ALBERTA          CANADIAN federal inspectors have ordered  they would improve communication on issues
                         Imperial Oil to immediately halt seepage from  such as the Kearl leak and would share test
                         a tailings pond at its Kearl oil sands mine. The  results.
                         inspectors have said that the leak has likely been   Imperial issued a statement on March 15
                         harmful to wildlife.                 that it was progressing with seep mitigations
                           The leak has existed since at least May 2022  and nearing completion of clean-up from the
                         but only came to light publicly in February 2023.  drainage pond overflow. The company said that
                         At that time, Alberta authorities denied that  its current monitoring and water sampling data
                         wildlife had been harmed.            had been stable and showed no impacts to local
                           The wastewater is coming from a pond that  waterways or drinking water and that there con-
                         contains high levels of arsenic and dissolved iron  tinued to be no indication of harm of wildlife or
                         at Kearl, which is located around 70 km from  fish.
                         Fort McMurray in northern Alberta and pro-  Imperial had previously described the seep as
                         duces 240,000 barrels per day (bpd) of oil.  a “small amount” of industrial wastewater that
                           “Based on information enforcement officers  had not entered local waterways.
                         have to date, the seep is believed to be delete-  Additionally, a separate 5.3mn litre overflow
                         rious, or harmful, to fish,” said Environment  came from a drainage pond on January 31, 2023.
                         Canada’s spokesperson, Nicole Allen. Federal   Imperial had made “significant progress” on
                         officials have said that leaks such as Imperial’s  the overflow both on and in close proximity to
                         should be reported to them within 24 hours.  the Kearl operations lease, the Calgary-based   The federal
                           On March 15, a federal provincial industry  company said on March 6.
                         working group was announced in order to accel-  “We are responding to the direction that was   and Alberta
                         erate remediation of the Kearl spill. The federal  provided by [Environment and Climate Change
                         and Alberta governments have been under pres-  Canada] officials following their visit to Impe-  governments
                         sure to address the issue.           rial’s Kearl site last week and we have installed
                           Tension had risen between the provincial  surface water pumps in the area to prevent the   have been
                         and federal governments and First Nations have  seep from entering a fish-bearing waterbody,”   under pressure
                         reacted angrily.                     an Imperial spokesperson told Canadian Press.
                           “It is very worrisome that for over half a year,  “Monitoring to date at this waterbody indicates   to address the
                         the Alberta regulator did not communicate with  there has been no change in baseline conditions.
                         [Environment Canada], nor did they commu-  We plan to collect the fish from this waterbody   issue.
                         nicate with the indigenous nations,” Canadian  as a precaution and instal a fish barrier to prevent
                         Minister of Environment Steven Guilbeault said  migration.”
                         last week.                             Critics have said that Imperial’s lack of report-
                           Imperial said it had immediately reported the  ing to authorities underscores weak regulation of
                         leak to the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) and  the oil and gas industry in Alberta, Canada’s oil
                         to indigenous communities. But a spokesper-  patch.
                         son for Alberta Minister of Environment Sonya   The oil sands produced an estimated 1.36
                         Savage has said that Alberta Environment and  trillion cubic metres of tailings water in 2020,
                         Alberta Energy were first briefed by the AER on  according to the AER. New federal regulations
                         February 7.                          are anticipated in 2025 so that treated wastewater
                           Guilbeault and Savage met recently and said  can be released into waterways.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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