Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 13

NorthAmOil                           PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                        NorthAmOil

       Freeport LNG receives restart approval

       for final liquefaction train

        TEXAS            FREEPORT  LNG, the US’ second-largest  lengthy restart procedure that faced numerous
                         LNG export terminal, was granted regulatory  delays. First estimates had envisioned that the
                         approval for the restart of liquefaction train 1  export terminal would be back online in Octo-
                         on March 8. It was the only remaining lique-  ber 2022, but repairs and delays knocked back
                         faction train that had not been restarted yet at  the restart of the first liquefaction train until
                         the 15mn tonnes per year (tpy) LNG facility  February.
                         located on Quintana Island, Texas after trains   An investigation determined that the fire
                         2 and 3 were given restart authorisation several  occurred in pipe racks that support the transfer
                         weeks ago.                           of LNG from the storage tank area to the facili-
                           It is now anticipated there will be a gradual  ty’s docks. Procedural, operational, safeguarding
                         ramp-up of output in the coming weeks to get  and employee failures combined with employee
                         the facility close to full three-train production. In  fatigue were cited by the report as the causes that
                         recent weeks, Trains 2 and 3 have returned to full  led to the incident. Since the explosion, Freeport
                         commercial operation and marked production  LNG has responded by raising employee num-
                         levels surpassing 1.5bn cubic feet (42.5mn cubic  bers by 30%.
                         metres) per day.                       Freeport’s biggest customers such as Japanese
                           With the facility having been knocked offline  LNG importer JERA, Osaka Gas, BP, TotalEn-
                         following an explosion and subsequent fire in  ergies and SK E&S suffered millions of dollars
                         June 2022, changes in feed gas flows and pro-  in losses stemming from the eight-month long
                         duction rates are expected during the recom-  outage.
                         missioning and restart phase, given the lengthy   When operating at full power, Freeport has
                         outage.                              the capacity to turn around 2.1 bcf (59.5 mcm)
                           For Freeport LNG, it marks the end of a  of gas into LNG each day.™

                                                   NEWS IN BRIEF

                                           Petro-Victory Energy                 approval of the TSXV.
       UPSTREAM                                                                 is subject to regulatory approval, including
       Horizon Petroleum                   announces $2.7mn private             PETRO-VICTORY ENERGY, March 15, 2023

       announces termination of  placement                                      MIDSTREAM
       letter of intent and provides       Petro-Victory Energy is pleased to announce   EnLink Midstream
                                           that it intends to complete a non-brokered
       update                              private placement offering of 1,249,360 units
                                           of the company at a price of CAD3.00 per unit
       Horizon Petroleum announces that the   for gross proceeds of up to CAD3.748mn.   announces changes to its
       proposed transaction for a certain European   Each unit will consist of one common   board of directors
       oil and gas company first announced on   share in the capital of the company and
       January 12, 2023, has been terminated. The   one transferable share purchase warrant   EnLink Midstream today announced that
       company could not reach final agreeable   entitling the holder thereof to acquire one   Matthew C. Harris, a founding partner of
       terms with the vendor.              common share at a price of CAD4.00 per   Global Infrastructure Partners (GIP), will
         Trading in the Horizon shares on the NEX   share exercisable for a period of 12 months   be appointed as chairman of its board of
       Board has been halted at the request of the   following the closing date.  directors. Harris previously served on the
       company and is expected to resume ?on the   The net proceeds from the offering will be   Board as a director from July 2018 until
       NEX once the resumption review process has   used for general working capital.  January 2019. Leldon E. Echols will serve as
       been completed by the NEX.            The closing of the offering is expected   lead independent director. The appointment
       HORIZON PETROLEUM, March 16, 2023   to occur on or about March 23, 2023, and   will be effective as of March 24, 2023.

       Week 11   16•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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