Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 16

NorthAmOil                    NEWSBASE’S ROUNDUP GLOBAL (NRG)                                     NorthAmOil

       NewsBase’s Roundup Global (NRG)

        GLOBAL           WELCOME to NewsBase’s Roundup Global  scrambles to expand its liquefaction capacity fol-
                         (NRG), in which the reader is invited to join  lowing the loss of most of its European gas market
                         our team of international editors, who provide a  share. The state-owned gas exporter’s subsidiary
                         snapshot of some of the key issues affecting their  Gazprom Nedra last week signed a co-operation
                         regional beats. We hope you will like NRG’s new  agreement with the administration of the Krasno-
                         concise format, but by clicking on the headline link  yarsk region on developing several gas blocks to
                         for each section the full text will be available as  underpin the LNG project.
                                                              GLNG: Australian LNG terminals export
                         AfrOil: Shell strikes oil at Jonker-1X well  less in February as fears grow over short-
                         offshore Namibia                     term market intervention
                         Shell (UK) has reportedly struck oil for the third  Australia marked a banner year for LNG exports
                         time at the PEL 39 deepwater licence area in the  in 2022 as the country was the global leader ship-
                         Orange basin offshore Namibia, as its partners  ping 10.7bn cubic feet (303mn cubic metres)
                         in the project revealed on March 6 that a discov-  per day of the super-chilled fuel, nipping the US
                         ery had been made in the Jonker-1X exploration  which exported 10.6 bcf (300 mcm) per day and
                         well. The company announced its first find at the  Qatar, which sent 10.5 bcf (297 mcm) per day
                         Graff field in early 2022, and now its partners  abroad last year. It set a new record for exports
                         QatarEnergy and National Petroleum Corp. of  for Australia as LNG facilities operated at 92%
                         Namibia (NAMCOR) are reporting positive  of the nameplate capacity of 88.6mn tonnes per
                         results from the Jonker field.       year.

                         AsianOil: Malaysian MP moots Petronas  LatAmOil:  APA  confident  in  potential  of
                         IPO                                  Block 58 offshore Suriname
                         An MP from Subang has recently proposed the  John Christmann, the president and CEO of
                         idea of a Petronas initial public offering (IPO),  US-based APA Corp., has expressed confidence
                         which  could  potentially  raise  a  significant  in the hydrocarbon potential of Block 58 off-
                         amount of capital to pay down government debt  shore Suriname, despite uncertainty over when
                         and invest in business expansion. Specifically,  the block’s operator TotalEnergies (France)
                         the MP, Wong Chen, suggested that the IPO  might make a final investment decision (FID).
                         could raise up to MYR300bn ($67.64bn), with a  According to Christmann, Block 58’s reserves
                         20% stake in the company sold to raise the funds.  are substantial, and Sapakara – the site of the lat-
                                                              est appraisal well, Sapakara South-2 – is likely to
                         DMEA:  Modular  refinery  expansion  com-  underpin a future development project.
                         Nigeria’s ND Refineries Ltd reported this week  MEOG: TotalEnergies expands UAE portfo-
                         that it has completed mechanical construction  lio
                         of a fourth train at its Ogbele modular refinery,  TotalEnergies has agreed to purchase the
                         raising production capacity to 14,000 barrels per  upstream assets of Spanish firm CEPSA in the
                         day (bpd). It said the new unit would be dedi-  UAE, while adding a stake in a Japanese-led
                         cated to the production of petrol for the domes-  joint venture (JV) that operates other offshore
                         tic market. Local media reported that the facility  assets. The assets to be acquired include a 20%
                         would be inaugurated and brought into opera-  participating interest in the Satah Al Razboot
                         tion before the end of this year.    (SARB), Umm al-Lulu, Bin Nasher and Al Bateel
                                                              (SARB and Umm al-Lulu) offshore concession,
                         EurOil: Conversion work begins in Singa-  and a 12.88% indirect interest in the Mubarraz
                         pore for Alexandroupolis FSRU        concession.
                         Greece’s GasLog has delivered a vessel to the
                         Keppel shipyard in Singapore for its conver-  NorthAmOil: Canadian Natural Resources
                         sion into a floating storage and regasification  reports record profits for 2022
                         unit (FSRU). When ready later this year, the  Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL) has
                         vessel will be installed off the northern coast of  reported record full-year profits for 2022 despite
                         Greece near the port city of Alexandroupolis,  oil prices that decreased towards the end of
                         where construction work on an LNG terminal  the year from a 14-year-high. CNRL, Canada’s
                         is underway.                         largest oil and gas producer, also faced extreme
                                                              winter weather in December that disrupted its
                         FSUOGM: Gazprom unveils $3bn East Si-  production in the oil sands.
                         berian LNG project
                         Gazprom plans to develop a $3bn mid-sized  See the archive and sign up to receive NRG Editor’s
                         LNG export terminal in Eastern Siberia, as Russia  Picks for free by email each week here.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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