Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 14

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

         “We are pleased to welcome back Matt to   crude production in the Permian Basin, the   expanded refinery. The company’s extensive
       the EnLink Board,” EnLink chief executive   largest refinery expansion in more than a   project management experience enabled the
       officer Jesse Arenivas said. “Matt brings   decade will help meet growing demand for   new crude and hydrotreater units to startup
       vast investment, capital formation, and   affordable, reliable energy.   according to planned cost and schedule.
       strategy experience, including within the   “ExxonMobil maintained its commitment   EXXONMOBIL, March 16, 2023
       energy industry and energy transition. His   to the Beaumont expansion even through the
       leadership will greatly help EnLink as we   lows of the pandemic, knowing consumer
       continue to build momentum with our   demand would return and new capacity   SERVICES
       traditional midstream and growing carbon   would be critical in the post-pandemic
       transportation businesses. As a founding   economic recovery,” said Karen McKee,   Capstone Green Energy
       partner of GIP, his return to the board   president of ExxonMobil Product Solutions.
       demonstrates GIP’s deep commitment to   “The new crude unit enables us to produce   secures new orders for a
       EnLink.”                            even more transportation fuels at a time when
         Harris will replace William J. Brilliant,   demand is surging. This expansion is the   major oil field project and
       a GIP partner, on the board and will serve   equivalent of a medium-sized refinery and is
       as chairman of the board’s governance and   a key part of our plans to provide society with   two offshore platforms
       compensation committee. Additionally, Kyle   reliable, affordable energy products.”
       D. Vann will retire from the board after almost   The added volume in Beaumont increases   Capstone Green Energy announced that
       17 years of service to EnLink. These board   its total processing capacity to more than   Arctic Energy, Capstone’s authorised
       changes will also be effective as of March 24.  630,000 barrels per day, making it one of the   distributor in Alaska, has received new orders
         “Kyle has devoted nearly two decades as an   largest refineries in the United States.  from two leading oil and gas operators. The
       EnLink director, helping guide EnLink and   The refinery is connected to pipelines from   first order is for a C600S microturbine to
       providing valuable counsel as we’ve evolved   ExxonMobil’s operations in the U.S. Permian   power a major oil and gas production site in
       into the company we are today,” Arenivas said.   Basin, providing the company with significant   the North Slope of Alaska. The second order is
       “The Board and I would like to thank Kyle for   strategic advantages. Permian crude oil is   for two C65 offshore microturbines for use on
       his contributions and leadership to EnLink.”  processed at the Beaumont refinery where   offshore platforms in Alaska’s Cook inlet. The
       ENLINK MIDSTREAM, March 15, 2023    the company manufactures finished products,   C600S order is scheduled to be commissioned
                                           including diesel, gasoline, and jet fuel. With   in the summer of 2023, while the C65s will be
                                           the completion of Wink to Webster and   commissioned in the fall.
       DOWNSTREAM                          Beaumont pipelines, the new crude unit will   “Oil and gas industry participants continue
                                           also be well-positioned to further capitalize on   to see the value of Capstone Green Energy
       ExxonMobil boosts fuel              segregated crude from the Delaware Basin.  microturbine technology. Fuel flexibility,
                                                                                superior engineering, and a lower emissions
                                              In 2022, ExxonMobil reached record
       supply with $2bn Beaumont           production at its North American refineries   profile make Capstone turbines a compelling
                                                                                choice for these discerning customers. In
                                           and achieved its highest global throughput
       refinery expansion                  since 2012. The company’s commitment and   addition, the low maintenance requirements
                                           capability to meet society’s energy needs
                                                                                of the Capstone generation systems are ideal
       ExxonMobil today announced the successful   includes its willingness to invest, even counter   for often remote and harsh locations where
       startup of its Beaumont refinery expansion   cyclically.                 these customers need power,” said Darren
       project, which adds 250,000 barrels per day   Construction on the Beaumont expansion   Jamison, president and chief executive officer
       of capacity to one of the largest refining and   began in 2019 and involved 1,700 contractors.   of Capstone Green Energy.
       petrochemical complexes along the US Gulf   ExxonMobil has hired more than 50 full-time   Fuelled by wellhead natural gas extracted
       Coast. Supported by the company’s growing   employees to help with the operation of the   directly from the pipeline, the C600S

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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