Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
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NorthAmOil                                 NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       microturbine will provide primary electrical   he has set the standard for extraordinary   over the next two years and an option to
       power to the site’s production facility,   leadership, customer commitment, and   purchase up to 5,000,000 gallons more in the
       operating centre, seawater treatment plant,   strategic execution. I am confident Shannon   third year, either at LAX or other airports in
       and pipelines. The microturbines will be   will continue this strong legacy of success in   JetBlue’s network.
       deployed as part of the initial phase of the   the region.”                SAF is a type of renewable fuel that exists
       development project with the potential for   Slocum joined Halliburton in 2005 as   today that drops directly into existing aircraft
       future orders. Once developed, the oilfield is   senior manager of Innovation and Marketing   and infrastructure with no impact to safety
       expected to significantly boost oil flow in the   and has served in roles of increasing   or performance. SAF can be produced from
       trans-Alaska pipeline, which has fallen about   responsibility. Prior to his current position,   a wide array of renewable sources such as
       75% from its peak in the late 1980s.  Slocum held leadership roles around the   agricultural wastes and used cooking oils and
       CAPSTONE GREEN ENERGY, March 13, 2023  world, including as senior vice president for   can lower lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions
                                           the Eurasia, Europe, and Sub-Saharan Africa   by roughly 80% in its neat form when
                                           region; vice president, Cementing product   compared to traditional petroleum-based
       MOVES                               service line; and vice president, Indonesia.   fuels.
                                           He holds a bachelor’s degree in industrial   “We’ve long said we need multiple key
       Halliburton appoints                technology from Lamar University.    stakeholders to step up to reach our aggressive
                                                                                emissions reduction goals. This deal with Shell
                                           HALLIBURTON, March 13, 2023
       new Eastern Hemisphere                                                   is a key signal of the growing engagement of
                                                                                the major fuel producers to begin converting
       president                           ENERGY TRANSITION                    conventional jet fuel to SAF,” said Robin
                                                                                Hayes, chief executive officer, JetBlue. “Shell’s
       Halliburton Company today announced   “JetBlue and Shell Aviation        involvement, with their expertise in energy
       that Shannon Slocum, senior vice president,                              markets and logistics, is a validation of the
       global business development and marketing,   announce agreement          SAF market’s potential and highlights how
       has been promoted to the role of president,                              critical the SAF transition of our hard-to-
       Eastern Hemisphere, effective immediately.   bringing new supply of SAF   decarbonise industry is to establishing a more
       Joe Rainey, president, Eastern Hemisphere,                               sustainable future of flight.”
       is retiring and will serve as senior advisor   to LAX                      Shell has announced its ambition to have
       to chairman, president, and CEO Jeff Miller                              10% of its aviation jet fuel sales as SAF by
       during the transition.              “JetBlue and Shell Aviation today announced   2030. To meet this goal, Shell is building
         “Shannon brings a track record of success   a new collaboration bringing additional   supply chain capabilities to blend, handle and
       to his new position, most recently leading   supply of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) to   distribute SAF and enable more customers
       our global business development efforts.   Los Angeles International Airport (LAX),   access to SAF, helping to accelerate the pace of
       He knows our business, has worked with   targeting commencement of delivery in the   decarbonising the aviation sector.
       our key customers throughout the Eastern   first half of 2023. Within the terms of the   JETBLUE, March 14, 2023
       Hemisphere, and is an excellent leader,” Miller   agreement, JetBlue is expected to take delivery
       said. “During Joe’s 45 years at Halliburton,   of 10,000,000 gallons of blended SAF at LAX

       Week 11   16•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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