Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                       POLICY                                          NorthAmOil

       Biden’s budget seeks to end

       oil and gas subsidies

        US               US President Joe Biden’s 2024 budget is seek-  administration’s mixed relationship with the oil
                         ing to end oil and gas subsidies. The budget,  and gas industry.
                         however, is a proposal and would have to be   In Biden’s annual State of the Union speech in
                         accepted by both houses of Congress, which is  February, he conceded that oil would be needed
                         unlikely.                            in the US for some time yet, even as the energy
                           Biden is “committed to ending tens of billions  transition accelerates.
                         of dollars of federal tax subsidies for oil and gas    “We’re still going to need oil and gas for a
                         companies,” according to a White House fact  while,” he said. “We’re going to need oil for at
                         sheet.  “Even as they benefit from billions of  least another decade, and beyond that.”
                         dollars in special tax breaks, oil companies have   That comment was reiterated earlier this
                         failed to invest in production,” the fact sheet said.  month at the CERAWeek by S&P Global con-
                         “In 2022, they realised record profits and cut their  ference in Houston by US Energy Secretary Jen-
                         investment as a share of operating cash flows to  nifer Granholm. She said that although the Biden
                         the lowest levels in decade, while undertaking  administration was pursuing carbon neutrality
                         record stock buybacks that benefited executives  by 2050, oil and gas were going to remain a part
                         and wealthy shareholders,” it continued.  of the energy mix for “years to come”.
                           “The budget saves $31bn by eliminating spe-  But in November, Biden accused oil com-
                         cial tax treatment for oil and gas company invest-  panies of “war profiteering” and warned them
                         ments, as well as other fossil fuel tax preferences,”  he might seek to impose new taxes on what he
                         the fact sheet added.                described as “excess” profits. This was just before
                           No more details of his proposal have been  the mid-term elections, when Biden was under
                         released.                            pressure to appease voters worried over high gas-
                           The budget underscores the Biden  oline prices and general inflation.™

                                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES

       Cedar LNG project in Canada receives

       environmental approval

        BRITISH          THE proposed $2.4bn Cedar LNG project to  development by government regarding oil and
        COLUMBIA         be developed by the Haisla Nation indigenous  gas sector emissions, they concluded that the
                         group and Pembina Pipeline in Kitimat, Brit-  project can fit within BC’s climate targets and
                         ish Columbia, has been granted environmental  goals,” it added.
                         approval by the provincial government.  Already a 20-year liquefaction service agree-
                           The environmental assessment certificate  ment has been reached with ARC Resources for
                         (EAC) for the floating LNG (FLNG) project  the project and the parties are now in the process
                         means the 3mn tonne per year (tpy) facility is  of finalising a definitive agreement for 1.5mn tpy of
                         one step closer to coming to fruition.  LNG, which is equivalent to 200mn standard cubic
                           Located on Haisla Nation-owned land, the  feet (5.7mn cubic metres) per day of natural gas.
                         project holding company, Cedar LNG Partners,   The FLNG project is located in British
                         must still obtain the necessary federal approvals  Columbia’s north-west about 630 km west of
                         and provincial permits and authorisations before  Prince George. The FLNG plant and marine
                         construction can start. The project company is  export terminal located in the Douglas Chan-
                         majority-owned by Haisla Nation.     nel will utilise an 8.5-km pipeline that will link
                           “The ministers acknowledge that the project  it with the Coastal GasLink pipeline, which is
                         takes all possible measures currently available  currently under construction.
                         to reduce greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions to   The BC provincial government has strict cli-
                         the lowest feasible level,” the BC Environmental  mate regulations for the oil and gas industry. As
                         Assessment Office stated.            part of its new energy action framework, Cedar
                           “With  the  requirement  to  implement  a  LNG, along with all proposed LNG facilities in
                         greenhouse gas [GHG] emissions reduction  the province, will need to pass an emissions test
                         plan, combined with regulations that are under  and have a credible plan to be net zero by 2030.™

       Week 11   16•March•2023                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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