Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 11 2023
P. 8

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

       Cost of Trans Mountain oil pipeline

       rises by further 44%

        WESTERN          THE estimated cost of the Trans Mountain oil  original 1,150-km pipeline between Strathcona
        CANADA           pipeline expansion in Canada has risen by 44%  County, near Edmonton in Alberta and Burnaby,
                         to an estimated CAD30.9bn ($22.4bn), accord-  BC. It was approved in 2019 but has struggled
                         ing to the federally owned company developing  with cost escalation and delays ever since.
                         the project.                           The expansion’s capacity is primarily commit-
                           Trans Mountain said it was in the process of  ted to 11 shippers, comprising a mix of Canadian
                         securing external financing to fund the remain-  and international producers and refiners. They
                         ing cost of the project.             are contracted for 80% of the available capacity
                           The company cited a variety of factors driv-  under long-term, take-or-pay transportation   Construction of
                         ing the cost increase, including high global infla-  contracts for 15 and 20 years, according to Trans
                         tion and global supply chain challenges. It also  Canada’s statement.      the expansion
                         mentioned local challenges, including unprece-  The remaining 20% of the capacity on the
                         dented floods in British Columbia, unexpected  expansion will be available through market   is almost 80%
                         major archaeological discoveries, challenging  mechanisms, it said.
                         terrain between Merritt and Hope, earthquake   Canada’s federal government bought the   complete, with
                         standards in the Burnaby Mountain tunnel,  pipeline – beset by environmental opposition   mechanical
                         unexpected water disposal costs in the Sumas  and cost increases – from Kinder Morgan in
                         Prairie and issues regarding densely populated  2018 in a bid to prevent the expansion project   completion
                         areas between Sumas and Burnaby.     from being cancelled.
                           Construction of the expansion is almost 80%   A year ago, Trans Mountain upped the   anticipated to
                         complete, with mechanical completion antici-  estimated cost of the expansion to $15.5bn,
                         pated to occur at the end of 2023. The pipeline  an increase from $9.5bn two years earlier and   occur at the end
                         is expected to be in service in the first quarter  $5.4bn in 2017. Public funding for the project has   of 2023.
                         of 2024.                             now been halted, the government announced in
                           Once finished, the pipeline system will  February 2022.
                         have nearly tripled its capacity, representing an   “As we committed to Canadians last year,
                         increase of 590,000 barrels per day (bpd) to a  no additional public money will be invested in
                         total of 890,000 bpd.                this project as construction is completed,” said
                           The pipeline connects the oil sands in Alberta  Canada’s Finance Minister, Chrystia Freeland.
                         to the Pacific coast, with access to markets in the  The government wants to sell the project once
                         US and Asia. The expansion is a twinning of the  it is completed.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 11   16•March•2023
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