Page 12 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2021
P. 12

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Court stalls ConocoPhillips’

       winter work on Willow

        ALASKA           A court has temporarily delayed the start of win-  ConocoPhillips to proceed with ice road con-
                         ter construction at ConocoPhillips’ Willow pro-  struction, as the conservation groups opposing
                         ject in Alaska. US District Judge Sharon Gleason  the project had not shown that such ice roads
                         said in a decision on February 6 that she would  would irreparably hurt the environment.
                         temporarily prevent ConocoPhillips from open-  Willow is located in the National Petroleum
                         ing a gravel mine or building a gravel road at the  Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A) and contains an esti-
                         Willow site. This came after conservation groups  mated 590mn barrels of oil. ConocoPhillips is
                         appealed against her February 1 decision allow-  aiming to bring the field online in 2024, produc-
                         ing the work to go ahead.            ing up to 160,000 barrels per day (bpd). The final
                           Gleason’s latest decision said a “brief and  investment decision (FID) on the project is only
                         limited” injunction to prevent the work was  expected later this year if the company decides to
                         warranted. It will be in place until February 20,  proceed with the project.
                         or until the Ninth Circuit Court rules on the   The groups opposing Willow’s construction
                         request, she added. However, Gleason said in her  argue that the federal government violated envi-
                         ruling that the court “remains confident” in the  ronmental laws in approving the project. They
                         original decision to allow the work to proceed,  have noted that the administration of new US
                         though the Ninth Circuit Court may disagree.  President Joe Biden is reviewing the oil poli-
                           ConocoPhillips plans to break ground at the  cies of his predecessor, Donald Trump, with the
                         Willow mine site starting on February 12, subse-  Center for Biological Diversity expressing hopes
                         quently hauling the gravel it mines and starting  that either this review or the courts will stop Wil-
                         gravel road construction on March 12. Gleason  low from going ahead.
                         raised concerns over the impact of this work on   ConocoPhillips has said it does not comment
                         the landscape, but added that she would allow  on pending litigation.™

       ARC Resources, Seven

       Generations to merge

        CANADA           ARC Resources and Seven Generations Energy  companies said in a statement.
                         announced this week that they had agreed to   They anticipate that the combination will
                         an all-stock merger worth CAD8.1bn ($6.4bn)  result in synergies that will deliver around
                         including debt. The combined company will be  CAD110mn (87mn) per year in cost savings by
                         the biggest producer in Western Canada’s Mont-  2022.
                         ney shale play, as well as the country’s largest   Consultancy Wood Mackenzie’s director of
                         condensate producer, third-biggest natural gas  Canadian upstream research, Mark Oberstoet-
                         producer and sixth-largest energy company  ter, was cited by Reuters as saying the merger was
                         overall.                             a case of two companies looking for a strategic
                           Under the terms of the definitive agreement  fit, combining Seven Generations’ crude and
                         announced by the companies, Seven Genera-  liquids-heavy output with ARC’s gas-focused
                         tions shareholders will receive 1.108 ARC com-  production.
                         mon shares for each common share of Seven   “This is a company seeking to become larger
                         Generations held. Not inclusive of debt, this puts  and more attractive to another investor class.
                         the deal’s value at CAD2.7bn ($2.1bn).  They nudged themselves into this next sphere,”
                           The combined company will have production  Oberstoetter was quoted as saying.
                         of over 340,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day   The deal comes as Montney production
                         (boepd). Liquids will account for 138,000 barrels  booms. Wood Mackenzie estimates that the
                         per day (bpd) of this, while natural gas contrib-  play currently accounts for 1.5mn boepd,
                         utes 1.2bn cubic feet (34mn cubic metres) per  including 45% of Western Canada’s gas supply.
                         day.                                 It is also another example of the ongoing trend
                           “The transaction will create a combined com-  of oil and gas companies opting to consolidate
                         pany with material size and scale that enhances  in pursuit of scale and synergies as the mar-
                         ARC’s and Seven Generations’ existing com-  ket continues to be challenging, despite some
                         modity and geographic diversification,” the  improvement recently.™

       P12                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   11•February•2021
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