Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2021
P. 10

NorthAmOil                             PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                      NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The decision on the fate
                                                                                                  of the existing Dakota
                                                                                                  Access pipeline is still
                                                                                                  being awaited.

       Pipeline battles in the spotlight

        US               SEVERAL high-profile battles are under way  to predict that Biden could yet attempt to shut
                         to determine the fate of major oil and gas pipe-  down Dakota Access, and indeed, oil prices in
                         line projects in the US. Some of these fights are  North Dakota have surged to their highest level
                         being watched particularly closely in the wake  in around six months, which has been attributed
                         of US President Joe Biden’s cancellation of the  in part to doubts over the fate of the pipeline.
                         cross-border permit for the Keystone XL oil   Even without any kind of intervention from
                         pipeline, which effectively killed that project.  Biden, the US Army Corps of Engineers can   In recent days
                           Much of the focus has since shifted to the  order Dakota Access to be shut down if its envi-
                         Dakota Access oil pipeline out of North Dakota.  ronmental review finds that the pipeline should   a federal
                         The pipeline has been embroiled in a court case,  not be operating.
                         with a judge ordering a new environmental   Separately, in recent days a federal court   court denied a
                         impact review for the project last year, after it had  denied a request to halt construction on
                         already been operational since 2017. In late Jan-  Enbridge’s Line 3 oil pipeline replacement across   request to halt
                         uary, a federal appeals court upheld this ruling.  northern Minnesota, upholding a water quality   construction on
                         And this week the federal government – which is  permit granted to the project by the Army Corps.
                         reviewing former US President Donald Trump’s  The judge said the tribal and environmental   Enbridge’s Line
                         oil and gas policies – asked for more time to  groups that filed for an injunction in December
                         bring new officials up to speed on the Dakota  had failed to prove that any permanent harm   3 oil pipeline
                         Access case. As a result, a hearing scheduled for  would result from allowing the work to proceed.
                         this week has been moved to April 9.  Indeed, the judge ruled that the harm of stop-  replacement.
                           There is speculation that Biden could opt to  ping construction, which began on December 1,
                         order a shutdown of Dakota Access – though this  outweighed the environmental risks of the Line
                         would be an unprecedented move given that the  3 replacement.
                         pipeline is already in operation. However, Biden   Meanwhile, it emerged last week that a dis-
                         is taking a tougher line than Trump on envi-  pute over the $1bn PennEast pipeline, which
                         ronmental goals – and former President Barack  is being blocked by the State of New Jersey,
                         Obama, under whom Biden served as vice-pres-  would be heard by the US Supreme Court.
                         ident, had sought, unsuccessfully, to block  Energy groups have welcomed the news that the
                         Dakota Access in 2016. This has prompted some  Supreme Court will hear this case.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 06   11•February•2021
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