Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canadian developers

       seek to step up on LNG

       Developers in Canada are hoping to make progress on

       growing the country’s LNG industry this year with FIDs

       on additional projects, after missing previous spikes in
       demand for the super-chilled fuel

        CANADA           CANADA is late to the LNG scene, but still  Targeted FIDs
                         hopes to turn its fortunes around as it misses out  The two projects that are currently targeting an
       WHAT:             on helping to meet another spike in demand for  FID later this year are Pacific Oil & Gas’ Woodfi-
       Canada is hoping to   the super-chilled fuel.          bre LNG on the BC coast and Pieridae Energy’s
       see FIDs on additional   The country was previously among the  Goldboro LNG in Nova Scotia, Eastern Can-
       LNG projects this year,   front-runners racing to develop new liquefac-  ada. Both projects have the advantage of having
       as well as progress on   tion capacity in the last decade, with around  secured committed buyers, and while both were
       the construction of LNG   20 export projects proposed, mainly on British  delayed last year amid the coronavirus (COVID-
       Canada.           Columbia’s West Coast. However, the industry  19) pandemic, they are now in a comparatively
                         downturn that began in 2014 led to a num-  good position to move forward.
       WHY:              ber of developers re-evaluating their capital   Woodfibre is the smaller of the two projects
       The country has abundant   spending plans and backing out of costly LNG  moving towards FID, with a planned capac-
       natural gas resources   megaprojects.                  ity of 2.1mn tpy. The project has several nota-
       and has continued to   Out of the previously crowded field of pro-  ble features, including a benefits agreement
       miss spikes in demand   posed Canadian LNG export projects, only  with the Squamish First Nation, which pro-
       for LNG overseas.  LNG Canada is now under construction,  duced its own environmental impact study for
                         and beyond that a small number of proposals  Woodfibre LNG. Pacific has agreed to abide
       WHAT NEXT:        remain on the table. However, Canada hopes  by all 25 of the environemtnal impact study’s
       Even if new projects   to grow its nascent LNG industry further this  recommendations.
       proceed to FID this year it   year, with two final investment decisions (FIDs)   Pacific has also touted Woodfibre’s envi-
       will be some time before   currently on the table for 2021. While both of  ronmental credentials – the project would use
       they start up.    the projects would be smaller than the 14mn  electricity instead of natural gas for the liquefac-
                         tonne per year (tpy) LNG Canada, they would  tion process. As a result, the company says the
                         nonetheless bring the country a step closer to  carbon emissions intensity of Woodfibre LNG
                         establishing itself as a significant LNG producer  would be amongst the lowest in the world.
                         later this decade.                    Goldboro LNG, meanwhile, would have a

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