Page 4 - NorthAmOil Week 06 2021
P. 4

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Canadian majors announce

       losses, write-downs

       Three of Canada’s leading oil and gas companies have reported

       another challenging quarter and further difficulties are expected,

       though crude prices are improving

        CANADA           THREE of Canada’s four leading oil and gas  in Alberta. This was down from a net profit of
                         companies have, unsurprisingly, reported losses  CAD271mn ($214mn) in the fourth quarter of
       WHAT:             for the fourth quarter of 2020. Quarterly results  2019.
       Three of the four leading   have been announced by Imperial Oil, Suncor   Both Suncor and Cenovus posted considera-
       Canadian oil and gas   Energy and Cenovus Energy in recent days, with  bly smaller losses, at CAD168mn ($133mn) and
       companies have posted   only Canadian Natural Resources Ltd (CNRL)  CAD153mn ($121mn) respectively. Cenovus’
       fourth-quarter losses.  yet to post its results out of the top four Canadian  loss marked a turnaround from a fourth-quar-
                         producers.                           ter profit of CAD113mn ($89mn) in 2019, but
       WHY:                The results illustrate that while market  for Suncor, the latest result was an improve-
       Market conditions   conditions have improved from the second  ment compared with a net loss of CAD2.34bn
       improved towards the   quarter of 2020, when much of the world was  ($1.85bn) a year ago.
       end of 2020, but not   in lockdown in response to the coronavirus   Sequentially, Imperial swung to a loss from a
       enough for these firms to   (COVID-19) pandemic and oil prices were  narrow profit of CAD3mn ($2.4mn) in the third
       turn a profit.    in freefall, there is still some way to go. This is  quarter of 2020. Suncor’s loss widened from a
                         in line with the trends that can be seen across  net loss of CAD12mn ($9.5mn) in the third
       WHAT NEXT:        quarterly results for US oil and gas producers.  quarter, while Cenovus saw its loss shrink from
       The cancellation of   Now, crude prices are strengthening, with  a net loss of CAD194mn ($153mn).
       Keystone XL came as a   Brent rising above $60 per barrel this week   Both Suncor and Cenovus also reported
       blow to these firms, but   for the first time since the pandemic started.  impairment charges, though these were not
       rising oil prices will be   Other obstacles still remain, though, including  as large as the one Imperial was hit by. Suncor
       welcomed.         for Canadian producers.              said its loss included a CAD423mn ($334mn)
                                                              after-tax asset impairment charge related to the
                         Losses                               White Rose and West White Rose projects and
                         The losses posted by Imperial, Suncor and  a CAD142mn ($112mn) transportation provi-
                         Cenovus varied in their severity. Imperial  sion related to the recently cancelled Keystone
                         reported the largest loss for the fourth quarter,  XL oil pipeline. These impairments were offset
                         at CAD1.146bn ($904mn), though this included  by a CAD539mn ($425mn) foreign exchange
                         a CAD1.171bn ($924mn) impairment charge  gain on US dollar-denominated debt.
                         on certain abandoned unconventional assets   Cenovus also took a hit from the cancellation

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