Page 4 - MEOG Week 17 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Crunch talks for

       Iraq amid Exxon exit

       Baghdad is entering tricky negotiations with Total while it is
       having to make compromises as ExxonMobil rushes for the exit.

        IRAQ             IRAQ has entered talks with French super-ma-  well as working to raise output from the Ratawi
                         jor Total over contracts to govern their estimated  oilfield from the current level of 60,000 barrels
                         $7bn deal, while Baghdad is also racing to find  per day to 200,000 bpd.
       WHAT:             a company to replace ExxonMobil as the lead   In the first phase of the project, Total will
       The Ministry of Oil and   operator at West Qurna-1 (WQ-1).  target improving Iraq’s standing in low-carbon
       Total are discussing how   The deals are largely unconnected, though  developments, capture all flare gas and produce
       their recently announced   the complexities of the Total agreement may  1 GW of electricity from a solar PV facility.
       multi-faceted energy deal   present similar challenges to some of those expe-  High-level talks between Total and the Iraqi
       will be governed.  rienced by ExxonMobil leading to the company’s  government were reported to have kicked off in
                         decision to withdraw from Iraq.      October, with Total said to be preparing to invest
       WHY:                                                   in two gas field development projects that will
       Complex contract   Obstacles to megadeal               allow the country to increase output and reduce
       negotiations have been   The Total deal is understood to be proceeding  its reliance on imported gas and electricity from
       a thorn in the side of   as planned, though given the complexity of the  neighbouring Iran.
       progress for Iraq and   agreement which covers oil, gas, solar energy   Meanwhile, Total will take over from Exxon-
       fears over corruption   and seawater reprocessing, coming to terms on  Mobil as lead developer of the Common Seawa-
       have seen foreign   contractual obligations is likely to be a drawn-  ter Supply Project (CSSP) that will treat 2.5mn
       companies baulk at   out affair.                       bpd of seawater from the Gulf and pipe it to
       deeper involvement.  The French company signed a heads of  major southern oilfields, where it will be injected
                         agreement (HoA) with Baghdad in late March  to increase pressure in oil wells. Given the strug-
       WHAT NEXT:        that would see Total build a facility to produce  gles Iraq has faced in ramping up oil production,
       Two Chinese companies   natural gas from the southern oilfields of West  this project will be critical to Baghdad achieving
       appear set to take over   Qurna-2, Majnoon, Ratawi, Tuba and Luhais, as  its target of raising production capacity to 8mn
       from ExxonMobil at West
       Qurna-1, while Baghdad
       had said it wanted to
       bring in another US firm.

                                                                                                  Associated gas project
                                                                                                  at West Qurna-1,
                                                                                                  Ratawi and Zubair.

                                                                                                  Source: OIES

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