Page 7 - MEOG Week 17 2021
P. 7

MEOG                                        PERFORMANCE                                               MEOG

       Iran needs “three months” to return

       exports to pre-sanctions levels

        IRAN             IRAN would need at least three months to flow  remain in force, there is a widely held view on
                         back its crude in the global oil market to where it  the oil markets that Iran perceives a lack of
                         was under the 2015 nuclear deal, former oil min-  resolve from Biden administration officials to
                         ister Rostam Ghasemi said on April 21.  implement the sanctions and is exploiting the
                           “The issue of oil is a complicated one,” Gha-  apparent situation to persuade oil buyers, par-
                         semi, who is involved in Iran’s current oil sales,  ticularly China, to take more of its crude in sanc-
                         said on state television, as reported by S&P  tions-busting transactions.
                         Global Platts.                         Reuters reported on April 22 that two assess-
                           “It will not be possible in one day. It will defi-  ments showed Iranian crude oil exports remain
                         nitely take its time to return to our production.  at elevated levels so far this month compared to
                         Though the oil ministry has this capability to  last year.
                         quickly return to the production. But at least it   “Exports have continued at these elevated
                         takes a three-month period, at least, for us to  levels longer than we expected,” Petro-Logistics
                         return to our exports.”              CEO Daniel Gerber was quoted as saying, add-
                           Iran remains engaged in nuclear deal nego-  ing: “And with constructive talks occurring in
                         tiations in Vienna that, if successful, would see  Vienna, we may never see a return to the 2020
                         the US remove sanctions designed to force down  lows.”
                         Iranian oil exports to as close to zero as possible.  The oil industry is closely watching the level
                           However, even though these sanctions, intro-  of Iran’s exports, which would impact the bal-
                         duced by former US president Donald Trump,  ance on the world market if they rose rapidly.™

       Week 17   28•April•2021                  www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P7
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