Page 13 - MEOG Week 04 2021
P. 13

MEOG                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              MEOG

       POLICY                                Iran pumped about 2 million barrels   on Tuesday, 113 MPs – mostly Shiite – have
                                           of crude a day in December, according to   called for various changes to the budget bill.
       US tries to seize oil               data compiled by Bloomberg. That’s barely   section 2a of article 11 – which deals with the
                                                                                  The seventh point calls for a change of
                                           half what it was producing before Trump
       shipment it says came from          left the nuclear deal, known as the Joint   Kurdistan Region’s oil revenues, exchanged
                                           Comprehensive Plan of Action, and tightened
                                                                                for federal funds -  to “the Kurdistan region
       Iran                                sanctions. Of today’s output, only around 10%   will abide by sending 460,000 barrels of oil
                                           is exported, most of it to China.
                                                                                per day (BOPD) to SOMO, and in case of
       The US is trying to seize around 2 million   The Achilleas, a vessel known as a Very   overproduction, they abide by sending the
       barrels of what it thinks is Iranian oil,   Large Crude Carrier, received its oil from   excess amount to SOMO as well.”
       according to people familiar with the matter,   another ship at the United Arab Emirates   In December 2019, Baghdad agreed to
       in Washington’s latest attempt to block the   port of Fujairah in November. According to   send Erbil a 12.67 percent share of the federal
       Islamic Republic’s energy exports.  the shipping documents, the Achilleas was   budget in exchange for 250,000 barrels of
         The crude is on board the Liberia-flagged   then scheduled to sail to the Omani capital of   oil per day. Neither side fully abided by the
       Achilleas, which is sailing to the US after the   Muscat.                agreement, however.
       Department of Justice issued a seizure order,   Its tracking system was switched off from   Baghdad failed to pass a budget in 2020
       said the people, who asked not to be identified   Jan. 1 until Jan. 13, when it was sailing near   because of political turmoil, record low oil
       as they’re not authorized to speak to media.  South Africa, according to data compiled by   prices, and the coronavirus pandemic. In
         The order came before Joe Biden succeeded  Bloomberg. It’s now traveling across the South   November, Iraqi lawmakers passed the Fiscal
       Donald Trump as US president on Jan. 20,   Atlantic Ocean.               Deficit Coverage Bill approving loans to cover
       according to the people. Under Trump,   The US has tried to seize Iranian petroleum  civil servant salaries for the last two months of
       Washington tightened sanctions on Iran in   before. Last year, it intercepted vessels it   the year.
       an effort to halt its oil sales, end its nuclear   said were carrying gasoline from the Islamic   The bill passed with a majority vote,
       activities and stop it interfering in other   Republic to Venezuela.     despite a walkout staged by Kurdish MPs,
       Middle Eastern countries.             Many ships leaving Iran switch off their   angered that Erbil is obliged to hand over
         The Achilleas’ Greek owner, Capital Ship   transponders, making it difficult to track   an unspecified amount of oil in exchange
       Management Corp., alerted US authorities to   them and to calculate the level of the country’s   for funds – a clause they said was not in the
       the possibility it had unknowingly taken on   exports, which the government doesn’t   original bill.
       Iranian crude, after initially believing it came   disclose.               Kurdistan Region Deputy Prime Minister
       from Iraq, said the people. The vessel is fully   BLOOMBERG              Qubad Talabani arrived in Baghdad on
       loaded and can carry more than 2 million                                 Monday to lead a delegation meeting with the
       barrels, according to shipping documents.  Iraqi MPs sign letter calling   Iraqi parliament regarding Erbil’s share of the
         A spokesperson for the Department of                                   federal budget.
       Justice declined to comment.        on Kurdistan to hand over              On December 22, Talabani announced
         Biden has said he wants to renegotiate a                               Erbil and Baghdad had reached a deal on
       nuclear pact with Iran that Trump abandoned   all oil                    Iraq’s Federal Budget Bill for 2021 after
       in 2018. But Biden’s nominee for Secretary                               months of dispute. As a result of budget
       of State, Antony Blinken, said last week a   More than 100 Iraqi MPs have a signed a   disputes and low oil prices, the Region’s
       rapprochement is a “long way” off.  letter asking that the 2021 budget bill obliges   civil servants went unpaid for most of 2020
         Still, Tehran has said it’s already increasing   the Kurdistan Region to hand over all its oil   – prompting deadly protests across the
       oil exports in anticipation that Biden will   to the State Organization of Marketing of Oil   Kurdistan Region.
       take a softer line. Several firms that monitor   (SOMO) in exchange for federal funds.   The deal “keeps the common interest
       Iranian output -- including Petro-Logistics   In a 16-point letter sent to the head of   of all Iraqi people, including the people of
       SA, Kpler Ltd. and SVB International LLC --   the parliament on January 23 and released   Kurdistan Region,” Talabani said at the time.
       have said shipments are creeping up.  by the state-owned al Sabah via Telegram   The 2021 budget bill was approved by
                                                                                Iraq’s Council of Ministers on December 21.
                                                                                Parliament has met twice to discuss the bill.
                                                                                  Talabani said that the KRG’s proposed
                                                                                share of the budget is the same as in 2019 -
                                                                                at 12.67 percent, and is  “less than what we
                                                                                expected and deserve.”
                                                                                  “Apart from the section talking about the
                                                                                reduction of dollar exchange rate, the rest of
                                                                                the requests are empty and will not be worked
                                                                                on,” Kurdistan Islamic Union (KIU) MP and
                                                                                member of the Iraqi parliament’s finance
                                                                                committee Jamal Kochar told Rudaw’s Srwa
                                                                                Hawrami on Tuesday.
                                                                                  In another section of the letter, it requests
                                                                                that the dollar exchange rate be reduced to
                                                                                1,300 dinar per dollar.
                                                                                  According to the current draft, the value of

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