Page 9 - MEOG Week 04 2021
P. 9

MEOG                                             POLICY                                               MEOG

       Iran warns Biden not to lose

       chance to revive nuclear deal

        IRAN             IRANIAN Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad  Iran has breached its key limits one after the
                         Zarif on January 22 cautioned new US President  other, building up its low-enriched uranium
                         Joe Biden that his opportunity to revive the 2015  stores, refining uranium to a higher level of
                         nuclear deal between Iran and six world pow-  purity and introducing advanced centrifuges for
                         ers would be lost if Washington insists on con-  enrichment.
                         cessions beyond what is outlined in the deal up   Biden, for his part, has said that if Tehran
                         front.                               resumed strict compliance with the nuclear
                           Biden’s predecessor Donald Trump unilat-  agreement Washington would rejoin it.
                         erally took the US out of the deal—designed to   “But we would use that, as a platform with
                         ensure Iran’s nuclear development programme  our allies and partners ..., to seek a longer and
                         remains entirely civilian - and told Tehran that  stronger agreement and also ... to capture these
                         there would be no reinstatement of American  other issues, particularly with regard to mis-
                         participation in the accord unless Iran agreed to  siles and Iran’s destabilising activities,” Antony
                         concessions including measures aimed at curb-  Blinken, Biden’s choice for secretary of state, said
                         ing its ballistic missile programme and ending  on January 19.
                         its support, such as arms provisions, for proxies   “Having said that, I think we’re a long way
                         around the Middle East.              from there,” he said.
                           Iran holds that the US has no right to set such   Zarif added that Iran was willing to discuss
                         conditions as when it added its signature to the  problems in the Middle East. “But the peoples
                         nuclear deal - along with Iran, Germany, France,  of the region, not outsiders, must resolve these
                         the UK, China and Russia - the conditions did  issues. Neither the United States nor its Euro-
                         not feature in the text and the Iranians remained  pean allies have the prerogative to lead or spon-
                         in full compliance with the agreement when  sor future talks,” he wrote.
                         Trump broke diplomatic convention by yanking   Kuwait’s al-Jarida newspaper, meanwhile,
                         the US from it prior to attempting to batter the  has claimed that Iranian diplomats headed by
                         Iranians into submission on US demands with a  UN top envoy Majid Takht-Ravanchi have been
                         sanctions campaign that was unprecedented in  holding informal talks with Biden officials for
                         its scope and toughness.             at least three weeks and have set out a series of
                           In attempting revive the nuclear deal, Biden,  conditions to kickstart the nuclear deal, formally
                         said Zarif writing in Foreign Affairs magazine,  named the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action
                         “can begin by removing all sanctions imposed  (JCPOA).
                         since Trump assumed office and seek to re-enter   The newspaper quoted an unnamed Iranian
                         and abide by the 2015 nuclear deal without alter-  official as making the same case as Zarif made in
                         ing its painstakingly negotiated terms.”  his magazine remarks and as saying Iran would
                           “In turn, Iran would reverse all the remedial  not accept any new signatories being added to
                         measures it has taken in the wake of Trump’s  the deal. This was almost certainly a reference to
                         withdrawal from the nuclear deal,” he said,  Israel, the UAE and Saudi Arabia who have all
                         adding that the “initiative squarely rests with  expressed an interest in joining the deal so that
                         Washington”.                         they can join in more closely monitoring Iran’s
                           Since Trump abandoned the deal in 2018,  nuclear programme.™

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