Page 7 - MEOG Week 04 2021
P. 7

MEOG                                        PERFORMANCE                                               MEOG

       Kurdistan operators receive

       December payments

        KURDISTAN        CANADA’S ShaMaran Petroleum and Lon-  Atrush
                         don-listed Gulf Keystone Petroleum (GKP) this  While  ShaMaran is yet to  provide  its  Q4
                         week announced that they had received payment  update, the company’s 2020 production guid-
                         for December crude sales from the Kurdistan  ance for Atrush of 44,000-50,000 bpd remains
                         Region of northern Iraq.             unchanged, with the field having produced at an
                           The news follows company updates from  average of 46,504 barrels per day (bpd) through
                         operators of assets throughout the semi-auton-  the first nine months.
                         omous region that struck a positive tone on the   The Atrush partners have installed produc-
                         back of improved reliability and transparency  tion facilities with a capacity in excess of 50,000
                         on payments from Erbil with consecutive timely  bpd with 14 wells having been drilled, 10 of
                         payments being made following a four-month  which are currently producing.
                         hiatus in early 2020.                  ShaMaran estimates gross proven, probable
                           On January 26, the Kurdistan Regional  & possible (3P) reserves at 156mn barrels with
                         Government (KRG) made a gross payment  2C contingent resources amounting to 243.5mn
                         of $19.2mn for sales from the Atrush block, in  barrels.
                         which ShaMaran holds a 27.6% working inter-
                         est in the Atrush block with operator Abu Dhabi  Shaikan
                         National Energy Company (TAQA) holding  During its latest operational update on January
                         47.4% and the KRG a carried stake of 25%.  13, GKP said that production from Shaikan
                         ShaMaran’s net take was $6.5mn. The same day,  had averaged 36,600 bpd through 2020 with
                         GKP announced that a gross payment of $18mn  December setting a monthly production record
                         ($14.1mn net) had been made for December  of 43,300 bpd.
                         crude sales from the Shaikan block.    Before being replaced by Jon Harris on Janu-
                           Meanwhile, in a recent update Norway’s  ary 18, CEO Jon Ferrier said: “Planned debottle-
                         DNO said that “override payments” would  necking works have increased PF-1 production
                         resume this month with the KRG planning  capacity to more than 30,000 bpd and the Com-
                         “to make payments towards the company’s  pany expects to deliver average gross production
                         arrears” of $259mn. This plan is based on Brent  in 2021 of 40,000-44,000 bpd.” Current output is
                         prices exceeding $50 per barrel in any month  around 44,000 bpd.
                         and the incremental revenues being shared   Shaikan, in which GKP holds an 80% WI,
                         50:50 between the KRG and the Tawke licence  holds 3P reserves of more than 900mn stock
                         partners.                            tank barrels, though the reservoir is highly frac-
                           Middle East Oil & Gas (MEOG) understands  tured, which has led to complications devel-  Shaikan oilfield.
                         that similar arrears payment plans are in place  oping the field and slowed production rates
                         between the KRG and other operators.  considerably.™                     Source: GKP

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